damned if i do ya; damned if i dont.

blondexbabexanna's avatar

Last Login: 01/22/2017 10:36 am

Registered: 07/21/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Virginia.

Birthday: 08/11

Occupation: high school. varsity soccer #6.

I want to lick lick lick lick you from your head to your toes and I want to move from the bed down down down to the to the floor.

love means giving somebody the ability to break your heart; and trusting them not to.

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tatoos with a switchblade attitude; snakebite heart with a bubblegum smile.

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Oh, we're half way there; ohh, livin' on a prayer; take my hand, we'll make it I swear.


we will never sleep, 'cause sleep is for the weak; and we will never rest, 'till we're all ******** dead.

Twenty years old. Nursing major. I'm a people person.

is it still me that makes you sweat?; am i who you think about in bed?

well, you're a hot mess and im fallin' for you; and im like "hot damn, let me make you my boo"

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the sun goes down; and so does she.

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I'd like to make myself believe; that planet earth turns slowly.

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HiroMoran Report | 03/12/2010 8:23 am
Hey smile
IT really has been a long time hasn't it Q__Q
I don't know whyi finally looked at gaia again, but i did XD
Lifes going good as a college freshie. (A freshie again, greeaaat.) Im a music ed. major, / music performance major, so i m have a ton of fun learnign all these new instruments XD
If you want to chat, send me an email or facebook me/ what not.
Nickybooh Report | 02/03/2010 5:18 pm
Wow all week? o-o
Nu fair D;
Omigawd thatz a lotta snow
Where dew yew liff?
Im comin there >D
Lol I knooow ish nu fun 3:
and thanks :]
Luff ya too lubb xD <3
Nickybooh Report | 02/02/2010 8:48 pm
Dear Annaaaaaaaaaaa, xD
I miss yew too luff!
Its been sooo long o-o
And I havent been up to anything new realleh
Whooa 14 inches?
It snowed here like saturdai or sumthin but it was so little that it din even stick D:
Nickybooh Report | 12/20/2009 11:32 am
Omia o.o
Thatz horrible! Ear infectinz suck and ta have double?...
Poor lufflez D:

Aww! Whatcha making him??
Omg luckeh! I wish it would snow D:
I mean...its been like below freezing for weekz now but no snow ._.

Ive been gewd! Went to see cobra starship and Owl City (plus some other pplz that Idun care so much about)thurzdai >D Was awesome <3
Nickybooh Report | 12/18/2009 4:30 pm
Annaaa C:
I missed you!
Aww thatz okai D:
Whatz wrong with you luff?

School is going gewd but finally its out for 2 weekz
How bout you?
Zeno_Hysune Report | 12/14/2009 6:26 pm
Arn't we friends on Myspace? Lol, I'm like never on gaia anymore... haha.
Message me on gaia or make a Facebook, I'm on there wayyy too much.. ugh. lol

=) awesome
Nickybooh Report | 11/07/2009 8:29 pm
Haha yaaa.

O thats great hunneh
Nickybooh Report | 11/04/2009 6:23 pm
Well thats gewwwwwd

About a month nar

im glad to hear that lufflez
Nickybooh Report | 11/03/2009 7:14 pm
Nu faaaair..
well atleast we git a day off todai (fer sum random reason)

School ish going fine actually. Well friend wise. Grades and teacher wise...not so much. >3>

And yuuush. I dew haff a boyfrand.
Hish name is Kaleb

How are yoo and yer BF? Hmmm?
Nickybooh Report | 10/29/2009 7:53 pm
Whaaat? D:
Why dew yoo get a 5 day break luckeh buttt??