
hello, I am back and I’m fully alive. But I will not be active as often.

Since I am back I thought I should write a little about myself. I have been a longtime gaia user. I registered back in 2010 when I was just a small preteen girl entering middle school. I made several Gaia accounts in hopes that I could make over 1 million gold because back in the day it was challenging to make gold. I remember making gold by playing games all the time. One of my favorite games was using my fish tank in order to get at 30k gold everyday, but unfortunately the game was discontinued by the site. After nearly 3 years I decided to permanently leave Gaia, real life started kicking in. I had officially entered my teenage years and I no longer wanted to play childish games despite still being a child at the time. Now I am over 21 years of age back on the site that made my preteen years great. Coming back on this site has given me nostalgia, surfing through my old accounts, reading through all the comments I left on other people’s profiles made me laugh a little. It shows how much I changed and grew, and how things changed. I no longer wish to relive the past. But to have a vivid memory of what it was like to be a child is something one cannot forget. I want to make new memories. Let’s make new memories together. gaia_sakura