
Greetings, inhabitants of Gaia! My name is Blue Cyprus. For those of you who may not know, a Cyprus is a tree, and it is almost never blue. I am, therefore, an annomoly; although in truth I am no tree. I am, however, in the profession of studying ancient runes, pictographs, languages and whatever forms of communication I can get my scholarly hands on. My compatriate focuses on the anthropological nature of you Gaians, but much of her study is based on my translation of your group records (provided by myself), which she has taken the liberty to cosider a cultural equal of "Forum Posts" and so refers to them as such.


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Liguistic Notes on the Gaia Language and Subsequent Dialects of Inclusive Communities

A collection of notes from the linguistic studies of Professor Cyprus of Macadam Univerity, BT. Follow with her as she delves into the deep mysteries of this uniquie nation known as Gaia and discovers the meaning behind such mysteries as "AAY" "ORLY"



Viewing 10 of 13 comments.


Report | 10/06/2008 8:33 pm


I'll try it.

Oh, so I just bought a bloody lab coat and a little pumpkin candy bucket from the new update. I've been wanted the candy bucket for years and now they have one.

I was going to make alpine look like Glitch for halloween, but I might just go for something else, or you know.. keep changing from day to day like I always do and end up with like 7 halloween costumes.

Report | 10/06/2008 8:30 pm


I did. XD

Still no seed though.. It's like the only thing I'm missing that I want. I don't have the lidless gauntlets or pants or shoes or whatever they are, but I don't care for those anyway.
The Time Machine

Report | 10/03/2008 12:24 am

The Time Machine

I kno. Lulz.

But seriously, how fair ye my faithful colleague?
Blue Cyprus

Report | 10/02/2008 11:02 pm

Blue Cyprus

My latest discovery in this whimsical world was stumbling onto a nest of memes known to the locals simply as "wordgames" Some of these stretching leggless-reptile like conversations are quite the aged species! I perused the old and discarded skin of one of the beasts to find records there of what transpired in the past. According to the "first post," that is to say the head of the ever-growing sub-life form, it would continue to grow only as long as the dialect in use defined a flavor for the section before it. Further investigation into the syntax of said literary transcriptions revealed that the flavor did not actually define the "post" but rather the producer of said transcription. This being is reffered to as an "AAY." I must delve further into the mysteries of this "AAY" to discover its full meaning and decode more of the intriguing language of this alien world known as Gaia...

Report | 10/02/2008 10:48 pm


It happened a while ago.

Have you tried gaia IM yet? Imma sign into it right now, you should try it too. I haven't even logged onto it yet.. but now that there's someone to talk too... yeah.

"Yes, you are usually of the type that strays from normality, I agree."

I know.. I'm not normal! NOT NORMALLLL!!

Report | 10/02/2008 10:42 pm



Aren't my avi's always weird?
Glad Rags

Report | 12/13/2007 5:23 am

Glad Rags

I have like 100 tickets.. IF that. User Image
The Time Machine

Report | 12/06/2007 1:10 am

The Time Machine

Chim chimmony chim chimmony chim chim cheroo..

Report | 11/20/2007 7:44 pm


Watch out, your back is turned.
Poppy May

Report | 10/03/2007 10:45 pm

Poppy May

Hey look! A blue tree! Amazing 0.o We hobbits don't see too much of that very often.


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