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Viewing 12 of 28 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 04/01/2010 11:00 am



Report | 07/30/2009 3:11 pm



Report | 07/26/2009 7:47 am



Report | 07/22/2009 10:58 am


notin u

Report | 07/21/2009 6:32 pm



Report | 07/21/2009 9:35 am


i have no idea i gueess she is still mad bout that fight that we all had when u guys where in the pool

Report | 07/21/2009 9:25 am


oh hi just got on
Pink PaperCutz

Report | 07/20/2009 10:41 pm

Pink PaperCutz

Well ; This is whaaat Ii saIid tO Keke.-
All you peoplee thinkinnq I said this to Kaylaa, Backk the ******** off,
Cus I didnt. You Hoes.
LuvYaaKaylaaa <3

Well, Nawww to qett yOuu all madd & Shyttt, but I could care lesssss, 'bOut yOuuu qOinnq' tO ROdqeRs dhiss yeaR .

Yourrr nOt my fRiennd , & yOu can make yOuR Ownn . Hannah is qOinnq' tO ROdqeRs, make fRiennds w. heR, & dOnt talk tO me in the halls pleaseee,

Cause yOu'll jusssst be iqnORed . I Realllyyyy thinkk yOuR annOyinq, but I cant chanqee that. sO justttt fuqqedabOudit, sO we cahnnn BOTH qittt On widd OuR livesss .

SO dOntt bOthuhhhh Replyinnq tO this, cause yOuR luCkyy, im nawww blOckinnq yOuu. Whaaaaat happened tO yOuu qOinqqq tO a Maqnet School dhiss yeaRr ?

ObviOusly, yOu 'aint qOinnnq' ; but whyy ? I thinkk yOuR a fake, & yOu tRy tO cOpy eveRythinnnq yOu see & like. sOmetimes, I questiOnn, whetheR yOu weRe a qOod fRiennd.

But thann aqainn, I was neveRrrr a qOod fRiennnd tO yOuu. It's kindaaa stupiddd, hOw we justt keep qOinnnq' baCkk n fORth, & we-qett nOwheReee. sO cut the cRap Out & qet OveR yOuR

pity bRidqe, & build sOmethinnnq useful Out Of all this fRee time yOuu have cOmmentinnnq me, when yOu have nO Riqhht, justt like I have nO Riqhht tO dO thiss, but I am anywayyys.

sO when yOu say yOuR all cOol & pOpulaR, take a qOod lOok, Oudda thee peOple staRinnq at yOu, cause hunnie, theiR all thinkinnnq the same thinnq abOut themselves. sO thaaaat's enouqhh.

xx IiSABEL Oh Gee
Pink PaperCutz

Report | 04/05/2009 8:22 am

Pink PaperCutz

God saw you were hungry so he created McDonalds. God saw you were thirsty so he created Coke. God saw you without a friend so he created my fine a**.
Send this to all your goofy friends.
Pink PaperCutz

Report | 02/01/2009 4:58 pm

Pink PaperCutz

Okay. I wasnt sure..