Blue2Dude's avatar

My name is Clark.
I am a christian.
Im a graduate from EHS.
I am an Army ROTC Cadet.
I am dating the most amazing girl ever as of January 24, 2009.
I love you Meagan Goedert.

Heckedddd by l-The Baby Eater-l

Hey baby! So I decided I'd hack your Gaia and leave you a little something here in your About Me. ;p This guy here? Yeah. He's taken, so don't even THINK about flirting with him. Wanna know who he's with? ME. -nods- Me and him are dating in real life and I finally nagged him into getting a Gaia, (though he hardly gets on it), so now I can bug him here too! Haha. We have been dating ever since January 24th, 2009 and still counting! We have been through everything together. Adventures at WalMart. The movies. BMXing. Video game wars. We've done it all, haven't we? I love you, Charles. heart

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l-The Baby Eater-l Report | 02/05/2012 4:29 pm
l-The Baby Eater-l
User Image
l-The Baby Eater-l Report | 11/04/2011 12:41 pm
l-The Baby Eater-l
Hope drill goes well this weekend
and can't wait till you're back home
l-The Baby Eater-l Report | 06/07/2011 3:08 pm
l-The Baby Eater-l
I love you (:
l-The Baby Eater-l Report | 05/01/2011 3:17 pm
l-The Baby Eater-l
Goodluck over there helping with the disaster.

I love you and miss you.
l-The Baby Eater-l Report | 04/11/2011 9:19 pm
l-The Baby Eater-l
You can be happy! My avi is a girl again. haha (:
l-The Baby Eater-l Report | 07/14/2010 9:56 am
l-The Baby Eater-l
I miss you more and more everyday Dx
l-The Baby Eater-l Report | 06/30/2010 12:45 am
l-The Baby Eater-l
I love youuuu c:
l-The Baby Eater-l Report | 04/25/2010 9:21 pm
l-The Baby Eater-l
I <3 you boyfriend! c:
l-The Baby Eater-l Report | 01/28/2010 7:58 pm
l-The Baby Eater-l
I love you Charles Clark.
l-The Baby Eater-l Report | 12/22/2009 12:41 pm
l-The Baby Eater-l
I love you Charles!
l-The Baby Eater-l