
Am I Blue, or am I Green?
Or am I something in-between?

Who am I to you?
Perhaps I'm someone new.
I'll tell you a bit about me,
And you can decide if we'll meet.

So, as I am most generally called, I am Blue. I came up with my full username, blue_green, through a strange chain of thought. I had once joined a site with the username "blue_green_animania" because I had recently descovered anime at the time and was instantly hooked, so I wanted to be "animania" but that sounded weird and reminded me too much of the Animaniacs rather than just anime. At the time my favorite color was blue, so I figured I'd add that, but... come on! Just "blue_animania"? That sounds like a type of drug, to me. I couldn't come up with anything so I just said "screw it" and added my second favorite color, too! When I came to Gaia they had a character limit on usernames, so I had to cut it down some. So I just cut off the "_animania" and went "YAY!!"
Sorry for the long story. I think too much.

My current favorite color is green, so blue and green just switched places in my favorite spots. I actually could never decide on a color I liked most, so when I decided my favorite color was blue, it was because I had blue eyes! Not very creative, was it?! xp And how did I later decide on green? Well.......... my eyes changed color!!! That's right, I have green eyes.

I take a lot of pride in my eyes. They are a dark green like a lush forest, but they also have a patch of blue still in each eye. Sometimes that patch spreads to cover half of my iris, so my eyes become two-tone! Cool, huh? I also have gold flecks, though you have to really look for those, and someone once told me my eyes reminded him of sunflowers, so I took a look and found that I have a brown star-burst patturn around my pupil! See why I take so much pride in them? They are so intricate and colorful. Though, you could never know this without getting to know me, because if you don't actually try to look into my soul (eyes are the window to the soul, lol) you'd merely see a gray-ish blue color. Not sure how that works, but most people think my eyes are gray or blue.

Also, just to clear this up, I am NOT a blonde, even though my avi is. I actually have dark brown hair with natural, light brown highlights. But I have it dyed black right now. Over the Summer I think I'm going to dye it blue with black bangs, though.

I am eighteen this year, but most wouldn't believe it if they saw me. I'm the oldest out of my friends, yet I'm the "little sister" of the group. I'm the most "innocent" in personality and experiences and seem the be like a little kid following them around and I sure as heck look the youngest. One of my best friends turned 17 this year, but she looks more like 19 to some (I can't tell), and my "big brother" is a few months younger than me, but he looks to be in his mid-twenties. I, on the other hand, look like I'm just turning 14 when I'm not dolled up, which is almost never so most people think I'm still in my early teens. Yup, I'm the baby of the group. I'm also the only one who hasn't had sex with more than 25 people (only three, thankyou very much), has never done drugs, has not gotten wasted, has never smoked and has never been to a party that wasn't PG-rated. Even though my mom thinks I've done all of the above to the extreem and much more.

My boyfriend has become the biggest and most important part of my life. A lot of people are critical of that, which I understand because I would be, too, but he is absolutely wounderful! We got together just before the year change into '09, so it should be easy to tell how long we've been together. It's the same number as the month we're in!

If you are mentally/emotionally sensetive to mature information, I would suggest skipping over the next paragraph. It is not graphic, but some people just can't handle it.

My current boyfriend (whom I call Sunshine as his nickname) was my first and only. Not physically. My first time was with someone else, but it only lasted a few seconds and I hardly felt a thing! And I had mostly only done it because I was in my rebelious phase and was angry with my mother. (Don't ask. It's complicated.) I had then decided to go for the whole "second virginity" thing, and I was doing quite well. But then he and I started to notice eachother. Something drew us together. I finally got the nerve to ask him to go steady and he agreed, simple as that! We got to talking and though I should be ashamed I am proud to say we made love that night. I actually felt it that time, and when I say I felt wounderful I am not talking about physical feeling (though that was amazing, too). That was the first time I felt what it was like, which is why I consider it to be my true first time. And also why I consider him to be my first and only. He was so gentle with me, making sure that I felt good and was not having any trouble, but that is not what makes this night so special that I bother to write all this about it. What made it so special was that I actually went to sleep with his arms around me, and woke up that very same way.

He and I just click. I like the litteral translation of "tall, dark and handsome," and he is a tall (soon to be even taller), black male with his own following due to his beauty. I like someone who is muscular, dominant and strong enough to care for me, and he is that and much more. He likes someone who is strong enough to handle him, but still feminine and has a large lower-half, and appearently I fit the bill!

We can be romantic, which shows we still love eachother even without the physical desire, but we can still be "passionate" without our relationship relying on it. We can be silly and still turn around and be completely serious (and say, "I love you").

We have some opposites, too, but we still seem to mesh them together and have everything fit! I am a writer, a word-smith, and he is an artist, a visual master-mind. He is an outdoorsie type of person, while I preffer being in the comfort of a building most of the time. He is one to take action on something, while I am more of someone who will sit back and think about it.

Obviously, though, there is more to me than just my boyfriend and I. I enjoy cooking, even though I don't know how! I can be very funny for a long time if you catch me in the right mood. A regular comedian! I was on my school's speech team for a while, and many people agreed I was pretty good, but why should I believe them? They're friends after all! It's their job to lie to make me feel better!

I like to write. A lot. I've writen a few poems, most of which people say are very good, though I don't have much confidence in them. I've also tried to write some stories, but I've never been able to finish them... I also love to roleplay occassionally.

Sometimes I draw a little. A couple of crappy little doodles here and there. I'm not exactly artistically talented when it comes to putting pictures on paper. Although it's not to say I don't have creativity. I have lots of beautiful ideas and images in my mind, but when I try to create the image on anything other than my imagination it... doesn't quite look the same...

I sometimes do a bit of photography when I have a good model and a camera handy. A small group of people say that I should become a model myself, and a lot of the people not in that small group don't agree only because they don't want me to have to deal with the stuff models get shoved into all the time. But that doesn't matter, because I am not one for being famous. I'd much rather make someone else famous!

Yes! That is my dream! I want to become a movie director! I will take starting actors that have a lot of potential and turn them into big hits! Only to get my messages out. The messages I am going to convey with my films. I want to change the world, and the most effective way to do that... is by influencing the mass media!!

I could go on and on about the things I like in movies and music, but I've already said so much and if you're not sick of hearing me rant on about myself... well... I'd have to admit that you are one bored son-of-a-badword.

A tribute to my dear friend. We all miss you so.
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Now for some art/pictures!

Here's another picture of my friend drawn by Mizu. :3
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It's me and my new friend! =^_^=
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And here's a picture of Sandy. 3nodding
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Here's a headshot of my avi drawn by Zorba.
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This picture is of two characters I made up for a story drawn by Amaya.
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-Chi-Iroi- made a pic of me as an abstract painting.
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And here I will be adding things that people have said that I liked. There will be no particular order and I will not say who said most of them.

"Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?"
~Richard Bach

"Would you like fries with that logic?"

"Beneath this mask, beneath the flesh, beats an idea. And ideas are bulletproof."

"If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain."

If you really want to piss people off, keep getting up when they knock you down.

"~Some call it stalking, I call it love~"

I have a feeling I'm falling on rare occasions but most of the time I have my feet on the ground I can't help it if the ground itself is falling.
~Lawrence Ferlinghetti

"If I know nothing else, I know it was a tragedy. And if I can say nothing else, I say this isn't fair."

"Tear my heart out, break it, crush it, kill my sould. Just don't leave me, ever."

"Sometimes in order to find the answer to a question, you must ask even more questions."

"It's more of an adventure! Like a good novel. Something unexpected at every turn."

"It's hard. Yes, but it's never been easy. Even ancient heroes, after finishing their quests and becoming nearly divine, didn't have everything come easy. But they had the power and knowledge to get through it with no trouble. But it will always be there. And it will always come. The real question is not how am I going to perfect myself so problems no longer come my way. It's how am I going to face these problems."

"If the world were a logical place, men would ride side-saddle."
~Rita Mae Brown

"If men can run the world, why can’t they stop wearing neckties? How intelligent is it to start the day by tying a little noose around your neck?"
~Linda Ellerbee

"I never married because there was no need. I have three pets at home which answer the same purpose as a husband. I have a dog which growls every morning, a parrot which swears all afternoon, and a cat that comes home late at night."
~Marie Corelli

"If everything’s under control, you’re going too slow."
~Mario Andretti

"What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?"
~Ursula LeGuin

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
~Albert Einstein

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls, and looks like work."
~Thomas Edison

"When the goin' gets tough, the tough want to get paid double."
~Sachi Hatake

"But that's okay, because what I lack in brawn, I make up for with my ridiculously sexy teeth."

"Look at her shoes! The eyes can mislead, the smile can lie, but the shoes always tell the truth!"

"I wish my grass were emo so it'd cut itself!"

"I'm just an animal nut! So as long as their cool with me I'm cool with them. I mean seriously. I have to many animals! Two dogs, two cats, two hermit crabs, a Big a** blue and gold Macaw, and my husband (who does more property damage then my bird and my puppy put together...)"

"Uuhgg, 30 years of my life, and I will still never understand women."

"You are who you are. The why doesn't matter."



The word I put as the journal title is MINE!! So no stealing! Anyways, I've been writing a story in here but do to writer's block I've decided to put whatever nonsence I please untill I can continue. Don't like it? TOO BAD!!!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/21/2010 11:36 am


I love the quotes on your profile!! biggrin

Report | 03/26/2010 1:50 pm


zomg about me was long! lol
Red Glacier

Report | 11/27/2009 8:52 am

Red Glacier

well as long as you all have that I think you two will be just fine. ^^ I hope i'll find a girl right for me soon :3
Red Glacier

Report | 11/26/2009 11:44 pm

Red Glacier

I'm flying solo now :3 kinda wish I wasn't but I guess its good to find myself again ^^
Red Glacier

Report | 11/26/2009 11:42 pm

Red Glacier

Sweet i'm loved biggrin and so are you! so that means we can be loved together! biggrin So hows life?
Red Glacier

Report | 11/26/2009 11:32 pm

Red Glacier

Um, I love you? o.o

Report | 06/05/2009 10:44 pm


kenoma lover

Report | 06/03/2009 10:13 pm

kenoma lover

hey how r you? rawr. my b-day is in 3 days

Report | 06/01/2009 3:26 am


Sumomomo edited one of BG's pictures o:

She shall send it in message or and suchh.
Cherii Kiissu

Report | 05/18/2009 4:29 pm

Cherii Kiissu



Gone on family business. Sorry I couldn't inform ya'll properly. Will be back when everyone is all taken care of.