Ayy~ Thank you! ^ - ^

Fates is a great game - despite what the fandom says otherwise. it's got faults, as every game does, but the gameplay is solid!
Making OP units and making the game busted was great! XD Made my Jakob a ninja that destroyed everything. It was great!

BOI! You know how rare it is to find someone that likes male Corn? Most people are simping over the kawaii desu tryhard....sorry her JPN voice makes me wanna hurl. It's "too cute" for my tastes.

You're totally fine tho! I know you had seen my post in the CB - coscommunity is still insane in the membrane mostly due to a guy I will call "Sea Tea". stare
Also crazy ******** of an ex contributed to it. Thankfully she's gone back to the Marianas Trench of the ***** side of the YGO fandom on Tumblr.
I do my own thing but I've been seeing that Gaia's got a lotta chill folks! So it's hella refreshing to see that! ^ - ^

Also armor is a b***h lol I'm working on the Hoshido, Valla and Resplendent armors having issues with that. sweatdrop