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Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 10/02/2022 10:57 am

Prince Corrin

Re-looking at my comments and I forgot to reply to one of them OTL Apologies!

Muso / FE Warriors for the Switch I kinda thought was its own thing from Fates itself. That's how I saw it though!
The way it handled some things seemed a lot better than some things that happened in the three paths as I thought that the Royals shoulda been trying to work together from the start.
I mean yeah sure it focuses on the blonde twins - I forget their names - but it handled Fates a bit better and that's a bit of a yikes. That's why I just go with my own headcanons.
There was a lot of potential with the story overall that I had kinda noticed but it was ruined by a lot of rushed things - at least it seems like it to me.
I had read that the OG writer wrote a massive script for Birthright alone so was he aware that it was going to be many stories or just one? But I wanna see what that other script was cuz I think it'd be interesting to look at!

So the one where Corrin is with my friend's Wolfskin, Ryuki, it's more of a harem that combines all the AUs. xDD (That's a completely seperate canon RP wise - That's an alternate Birthright AU)
Birthright and Revelation Corrin are part of the Persona 5 x FE AU that originally just started as Joker x Corrin but then my husband started maining the Akechi alt xDDDD
Ashen Demon and I were like "Ok so if Ren mains the Goro alt.....what if....???" And thus a crack ship was born lol! Hey Smash has a lot of what is considered "odd" ships so hey it ain't hurting anyone!
Conquest Corrin is paired with Jakob and Byleth as we had a darker storyline that's really mega oof so I can't say what goes on in that AU - but Garon (Anankos) wants Corrin dead/gone so he hires merc to do horrible things to him, s**t happens and he gets sent off to Fodlan. Jeralt and Byleth manage to save him and Jakob in time - thankfully.
A lotta trouble due to the two of them having Crests - Jakob was nobility as stated in his supports and thus it was like "Ok so what if he had a crest?" A lot of speculation within the AUs but it's cool to think about!
I've seen a really cool Three Houses AU fanzine that has all the FE lords as House Leaders so hey fandom stuff makes things really interesting and cool~

OMORI is on the Switch???? If it is, bro we should both get it! I've seen ManlyBadassHero play it and it looks like an amazing game!
The cute elements mixed in the with horrific aspects of the game really mesh well into like the whole duality of Sunny's mind trying to repress things and pretend things are ok. Like how someone battling over grief would do.
I remember the OG Klonoa on the PS1 - it was part of a Church thing I'd go to. I wasn't religious but liked helping the community as a wee little one.
So me and some school buds played Crash, Spyro and of course, Klonoa. But we didn't play them for long as we mostly were making cute little crafts! I think what I was in was an arts and crafts program.
Mind you with my memories being a little goofy due to surgery, not sure why I was at that church but I just remember being there with close elementary school buds like Austin, Olivia, Brooke and others.

Aww thank you ;w; Shulk's my buddy tho! Love him to bits ;w; Daisuke as well as he was my childhood cat. They have a special place in my heart <3

Hmm that'd be a funny irony but really heccing cute! I think Ashen Demon has an irl doggo! She cosplays Fem from time to time! ^-^
Antarcticunt's avatar

Report | 10/02/2022 10:18 am


Thanks my dude
AIear's avatar

Report | 10/02/2022 9:59 am


Hey c:
Eternal SaiIor Uranus's avatar

Report | 10/02/2022 8:53 am

Eternal SaiIor Uranus

Yes it is, it's my favorite time of the year so i wanted to break out my DDLC cosplay. Thanks i'm so glad you like it ^-^
User_46028106's avatar

Report | 10/02/2022 8:03 am


Yeah that's solid advice. I need to remember it IN the moment when they're bothering in the future.
User_46028106's avatar

Report | 10/02/2022 8:00 am


Yeah I learned that blocking is the route I need to go. Making them try to be a little empathetic was the wrong route. Block and move on. Thank you for the concern though. It means a lot.
AIear's avatar

Report | 10/01/2022 5:10 pm


Sorry your sick I hope you feel better
XD X3 XP's avatar

Report | 09/30/2022 7:48 pm


Thanks for buying my outfit heart
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/30/2022 6:31 pm

Prince Corrin

I try to help my mom and my aunt so that they don't feel the burden on taking these things on alone. Since my mom handles paperwork and that side in terms of my grandmother's care.
Aunt Sue does the same for little Killy on that front, too. It's just me helping to make things easier for them. Aunt Sue's cancer could claim her life at any time, and thus making life easier for her and mom is what I want to help with.
I know my mom will be crushed when her best friend is gone. I may not be able to do very much but I want to do something.

That's not a bad thing. If it helps you with calming down when you're stressed out, anything helps in terms of getting rid of stress.
I would say, if you are able to, if you are able to seek out professional help to get you back on your feet, that may help.
It's not entirely the same, but after surgery, I saw my psychiatrist and therapist more often due to some physical things that were hindering me.
And of course going back and forth to the hospital to ensure things were ok during that timeframe. While I may know more on my condition now than as a child, there's still things I do not know.

It's not "childish" honestly. That's kinda what happened to me with my ex best friend and my ex fiancee...they both took advantage of how "naive" I was in terms of just wanting a friend or partner.
These two were younger than me. Ex best friend born in 94 and ex fiancee being born in 96. So the old "trope" of "oh it's always the older one in the relationship that's abusive" is false.

I don't think that's childish either! Like finding friends that are even a bit older is refreshing in a way! Most are a little younger than me. Some are a year or two older. So I totally understand there!
I'm not really "picky" with friends. As long as you respect me, don't treat me like a pair of tits (because if it gets sexual I may have a ptsd attack and that won't be my fault), treat my furbaby, my mom, stepdad and me with respect, we're fine.
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/30/2022 6:17 pm

Prince Corrin

My ex and her anti-LGBT "friends" and family are all on there so I'm like...nah.
My Aunt Sue is the only one I talked to on there - but she has my number as do Terry (Killy's twin bro) and Rory (youngest bro) so I can quit FB for good knowing it doesn't matter.
Same with irl buds that are close to me such as Trevor, Amber, James and some others. They have me on Discord - thus it's a lot safer. That stuff from 2019 was bad.
TLDR ex lied about the abuse and said it was me. Because all of them hate me on top of being transphobic and homophobic as ********, well you see where this is going.
She doxxed my info and gave them my contacts, my mother's contacts and my stepdad's contacts. I had my number changed due to that so she cannot do that to me anymore.
She hasn't been able to for quite some time but I'd like to cover my bases. She doesn't know my grandmother's address (thank god) and when we move, she's not gonna know that either.
That's why me not being on FaceBook is the safest option so she doesn't get to find out anything. Michaela's stalking and doxxing knows no bounds - staying safe is my primary goal.

That's a good idea tho honestly in case s**t goes down and you need to go to the hospital for something. I had done that when I had shunt replacement surgery in June 2021.

Oh god...that's awful! :c So then your partner technically isn't allowed to get medical help due to his country's laws...
I do not understand what a country would have power like that. I mean in the sense where if someone needs medical assistance, it should be able to be granted.
I understand on the chemicals part as in some cases - at least when it came to my medicines - some are touch and go. Some medications made me very ill physically or mentally.
One I recall in 2011 when I was at Chatham University. Walking down the stairs in the Woodland Dorms to go to the cafe for a cocoa and the medication caused my knees to lock up and I almost busted my face on the stairs.
That was 11 years ago but that still is frightening. I wanna say it was a medication for mood swings but my memory is not clear here. I'm saying that I do understand in the case of some medicines being very touch and go...

Cons ARE kinda expensive...at the door, tickets are $50 for Tekko. Travel isn't an issue per-say since I take the bus and get there that way.
But I know some con-goers that come to Tekko from out of state. The Greyhounds are not cheap as I remember my ex telling me it was costly to visit me from NE to PA.
So with that bit said, yeah like in terms of out of state costs, that can be an issue. Then if you get a hotel, factor in those costs, then Pittsburgh food being expensive as hell...dang...I didn't think of that.
I mean for me - this is what I'd done - I bought water and protein bars in advance and thus I had that with me. But still rethinking on all those factors IS nutty!
As I said, my last con was Tekko 2018 - Daisuke's passing, the pandemic and now the con is in July instead of April, no thank you. O__O
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/30/2022 12:05 pm


Oh? Well maybe rping as your favorite characters might help since you probably know them
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/30/2022 8:07 am

Prince Corrin

Heyo! No worries on the replies~ It's all good! ^ - ^

Just reply when you're ready!
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/29/2022 9:13 pm

Prince Corrin

Here is a funny photo after he was given his shot for the night.
He had special wet food and when mom or I would open it, he wanted to lick the plastic spoon we had for scooping the servings out. He was funny xD
Grumpy old man but he was my buddy.

That's kinda like the long and short of it in a sense! I think - hopefully - I explained it to the best of my ability tho!
It can be painful but I am thankful that I have doctors that have helped me in all my 30 years of life. From the Children's hospital folks to the folks I see now.
The rattling I had NEVER heard before and that scared the hell out of me when it happened. Really freaky stuff for sure...Big yikes.
Nah you're good though! I know a lot from my own experiences and of course the new info my neurosurgeon told me. I know they get scared thinking "if I say too much they might sue."
But that's not me. I just wanna know how to properly handle things. Since I know this condition has caused other neurological issues and working through it is just the best thing. I just wanna know what to expect is all really.

Hmm I didn't think of that! I know for me right now that I can get top surgery and that I can feel more "human." Instead of some piece of yellow sacks of fat. Bleh.
it'd do wonders for my back, too! So there's that as well.
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/29/2022 9:06 pm

Prince Corrin

I'm seeing that if I use the special color coding, at some point when the comments break, it'll be easier to do it via this way for now ^-^;;

For your partner, I totally understand that, too. Ren has auto immune disorders. I wanna help but I'm limited in money, too.
The problems of being a broke person, amirite? (I get bills and everything paid down obvs - Shulk's care is priority, too)
i feel you on that. I think I have like less than $100 after bills?? I help my mom and stepdad out and as I said, I wanna give Shulkie the best care I can.

It is! It's helped build a lot with my Fates AUs, too! Since I split Nohr / Hoshido / Valla / Muso into 4. Thus 4 alternate paths. 4 storylines....well there's more than that but just as like a starting basis?

There's a lot of games I need to pick up xD I've been playing Klonoa with Ren since my dearest LOVES this series a lot! Happy it finally got a Switch release at last~
So now I can play Door to Phantomile and Lunatea's Veil for myself! I've seen LPs and videos on the cute cabbit but having it in my hands is another thing!

I totally understand on that, too. Being sickly can be a massive pain in the a**. Mine are neurological but similar enough.
For the threats, were you able to report that? Now I know from what it sounds like, it was long ago, but figure I'd ask. That is scary when you don't know if someone could do that.
Especially back then where we as young kids thought otherwise - cuz the net was more wild west??? back then. Not as policed I guess is the proper term?

That's what I meant in that sense. I have a friend, Nick, who is a furry and he's a chill dude! He and my buddy, James, are college mates of mine.
Known James since 2012. Nick I wanna sat 2015? Memory is foggy here due to surgery but I swear I had met him at Tekko events (said con in Pittsburgh area)
But yes the diaper fur thing is just....weird. For me it also bothers me because people that are into that and loli/shota tend to be ***** - as one that was hurt as a child this bugs the s**t outta me.

I totally get that, too! I usually do casual. I had made my Tails jacket. Simple jeans jacket with a patch that said Tails and a little thing of Tails' emblem on the back of it!
i stopped going to Tekko after 2018 as Daisuke, my childhood cat, passed days after the con. 2019 Tekko took place on the day he died so I didn't want to be reminded of that. :c
Daisuke was diabetic - grandparents free-fed him while mom was working and I was at school - vets said he wouldn't live long. He lived 10 years later. Daisuke was a fighter!
That's why I also dropped out of college for a bit because his care meant more to me than my studies. My little dude took priority.
I don't get time back that was lost with Daisuke. And after my ex split, I went back and finished s**t up. So that's what I had done tho.
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/29/2022 8:53 pm

Prince Corrin

Hey no worries on the replies tho! Sometimes with other buds I get distracted - Discord and Gaia - and I can be forgetful by mistake. OTL
Like I said, sometimes my brain is wonky and I remember and sometimes it's like "Oh no I forgot to get back to that person."

But no worries! You're totally fine! I figure I'd ask in case since if I'm afk on Gaia, that's the best way to reach me!
I don't use FB due to my ex being a stalker + her transphobic "friends" and ******** boyfriend. Ew....no thank you.

I totally understand the PTSD thing. I really do. :c I hope that he'll be alright and is getting help he needs.
As someone with PTSD as well, I totally understand. It's best to take things one step at a time.
Does he have access to THC or CBD? It's helped me a lot! My best friend who has similar issues has taken medical cannabis as well.

Yus~ Byleth and I have known one another for a very long time and I am thankful to have her in my life!
I hope someday we can go to the local con in the Pittsburgh area and chill there cuz that'd be cool! Granted they have the con in July now...oof.
I get heat related seizures so I worry on that. I need to be careful. Hopefully there are Pittsburgh cons later in the year. I think there are tho?

I totally understand you on that cuz making friends on here is really nice! It's just looking in the right places!
Like I just talk to folks that I've known from commissioning art from the past or like other places. Or like other places as well!

Hey I can understand that honestly. I sometimes do that myself. Just listening to music, playing video games, drawing, and being with my fuzzy boi, Shulk.
But I also have my responsibilities as well since I help take care of my grandmother who has dementia - and sometimes I help my aunt Sue who lost her son last year.
Little Killy is 4 now. My Early Childhood Degree is helping a lot out here, too! So preschool and my help are good here so Aunt Sue doesn't need to be stressed out.
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/29/2022 8:27 pm


Yeah I like Byleth a lot plus I also rp with my one friend Corrin and as support them together Xd
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/29/2022 4:38 pm


That’s good. Glad it brightens your evening up.
I’m doing alright just trying to relax and lay down right now.
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/29/2022 4:31 pm


Hey. How you doing today?
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/28/2022 12:29 am

Prince Corrin

I think Discord works better for me explaining Hydrocephlaous - my neurological stuffs - since there's a lotta deets.
But like long and short of it at least comments wise is that it's an excess of cerebral spinal fluid. That's what I understand.
So a shunt that goes from the head, neck, chest and stomach to drain the fluid. Excess fluid causes headaches, seizures, vomiting, and of course in worst cases, death.
I know the signs now as an adult if it's malfunctioning. Vomiting is the first sign. I remember for the 2021 surgery, I could hear the broken shunt rattle in my head. That was pretty scary honestly.
I told my mom "I am very sure it's broken. If I hear rattling, that's a bad sign." That had never happened to me before. My current neurosurgeon said that these shunts last 5-10 years at best.
The one I had was from 92 or 94 up til last year. I had a 2017 revision but it was not fully taken out of my head. The 2021 surgery, however, half my scalp was cut open to remove it as a good chunk calcified - turning into bone.

I know there's more but like that's in recent times for me. There are tell tale signs when you have a friend or a child or loved one with the condition to look for - as I said vomiting is the first sign.
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/28/2022 12:19 am

Prince Corrin

Replying to everything as I can! Red/Byleth is Ashen Demon ^-^ I've known her since 2013~ She's a good bud of mine!
She's the one that got me into FETH - and Persona 5. A few other fandoms, too, if I remember correctly on that.

I think I said it in another comment but Discord may be good, too, since I have photos of Shulkie and Otis on my phone. Mom sent me photos and videos of Ottie since he's been at our place~
I totally feel you on that cuz rescue animals need love, too. Poor little ones that get abandoned in the streets. Why people do this I will never understand.

Oh man that sounds cool~ So birthday and candy lol! I'm being silly here mind you tho! My buddy, James, has a birthday in October as well!

Oh! Ok I wasn't aware of that bit either. I guess there have been a number of glitches in the past in regards to usernames and log-ins. Yikes. O__O
Oh!!!! Ok I have seen usernames like that in the past or ones with the " ` " character in them as well, too. Like more different effects but I know that folks can't do that anymore that I can recall.

Hey no worries! I sometimes type a lot myself so I understand! I know this is hours later but if you are still feeling ill, get as much rest as you can!
Pedialyte helps a lot! It's saved me in the summer time as I get really heatsick - partly due to my Hydrocephlaous as it does cause heat related seizures. The brain is a tricky thing.
But I make note of it because it helps when you're sick, too. My mom recently got food poisoning from a watermelon and she said it helped a bit.

Ick....please tell me those kind of gross people are long gone. :C That's awful that there were people like that trying to be shady with you.
Back in the day Gaia did have a lot of odd characters. I recall a furry that was obsessed with me in the 2007-2008 era of the Sonic community that once was.
Nothing really against furries but he was just really weird. He was a babyfur or something? Avatar always had a diaper on. It just weirded my 14 year old self out.

I totally get you there! Irl cosplaying can be a pain. For me, I'm sensitive to textures and some cosplays I had - such as Johan Andersen from GX - made me itchy OTL
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