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AIear's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 11:34 am


Btw if you have it . Lady Glaive works for Dimis lance
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 11:32 am


Thanks. Who else did you say you wanted to cosplay that you needed help on?
Eternal SaiIor Uranus's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 11:31 am

Eternal SaiIor Uranus

Thanks Ash and oooo i like the name change >w<
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 11:29 am

Prince Corrin

Posting real quit to say thank you for the item! ;w; Feeling off today. My reflux is really ******** my over. Throat has been burning since I woke up. Bleh. Trying to rest today.
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 11:17 am


No problem. I’d you need help with any other cosplays you want to do I’ll be glad to help abit
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 11:13 am


At least you’ll remember this username
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 11:09 am


That looks pretty good c:
Xd working on El now
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 10:19 am


Unfortunately some of these items also have no listings that I use for other cosplays so I can’t give them to you unfortunately
But here’s the list
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 10:05 am


Not sure some of these items I use so I would need to get a extra for you. But marketplace value says about 2tril
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 9:29 am


Oooh. Yeah sorry I don’t know to much of shadowverse.
I made a Dimitri for you (current avi).
How does it look so far?
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 9:08 am


Okay I’ll try to find some stuff if you want my help.
And your cosplay was good I knew who it was so
And no problem for the item c:
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 8:37 am


Btw which outfit for Dimitri you going for?
AIear's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 8:18 am


Smell ya later Xd ( your cosplaying green/blue/Gary )
User_46028106's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 6:13 am


I wont hurt you like the others do or make fun of you if you're strange. everything is ok with me. just dont be too negative on yourself or others.
User_46028106's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 6:11 am


you do if you add more of us in the CB. I've got over a 100 by tomorrow I think lol.
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/26/2022 12:51 am

Prince Corrin

No worries tho! As I said, getting plenty of rest is important!
(This coming from an insomniac so like sleep is heccing important!)

Early Childhood Education. ^-^ My nephew is 4. So he's technically in pre-school now. I know his mom is taking him to preschool but I still wanna help out, too.

Oh man...I truly hope that this may help your partner. I'm sure that he truly appreciates it as well! ;w;
That does make sense since if you use things that require a lab environment there's risks involved there as well.
Unfortunately I do not know much on this, but I'd be happy to learn more about it! If it can help other people around you, it's worth looking into!

You're fine tho! If you wanna talk about that via PM that's totally fine with me!

Not sure what my first fandom was but EarthBound interested me as a teen. Seeing Lucas in Brawl got me interested. My persona, Kalin, is Smashverse (Mother 3) based~ So I love the game a lot!
Man I wish it'd get localize to the states. The fact it still has not come over to the west makes me quite sad. :c
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/25/2022 9:55 pm

Prince Corrin

ve been told by other folks on what to expect so I have a decent idea. It's probably gonna be awhile. I already got into contact with an organization that's gonna help me.
Now with my insurance, they may not cover it but since I saw an endocrinologist, and once bloodwork is done, I am fighting tooth and nail to make sure I get it.
The brain surgery messed me up - the brain is a fickle thing - and so there's a lotta issues. Hormonal and other things. So the endo is gonna help me and send this to the organization, too.
Yes it may be tedious but anything I can do to get this s**t done is worth it in the end for me. I just wanna be happy. I am glad that Ren (Devoted Butler) is such a wonderful dude that's helping me.
He's made me feel like a normal person, unlike my ex who saw me as this "blow up doll" really.

I mean Corrin got stuck with Niles...I am one of the few that dislikes KamuZero. Niles reminds me of my ex. That's why I dislike him. It's just my way of distancing myself from it.
To those that love the ship tho, more power to them! I'm not the type of dickhead that's gonna bash ships. Unless it's Faithshipping (Gary-Stu Yusei x Mary-Sue Aki) cuz my ex projected so ******** hard onto bimbo Aki it makes me wanna vomit.

"He's too whiny"
"Female Corrin is canon and therefore better"

Straight men being simps and nothing more. (I dislike using buzzwords but just making note.) Yes FE is meant for guys. But throw the other fans a bone, too, please. It's only fair.
I guess people don't like the "Soft Boi" thing about him but are ok with the "KAWAII DESU" from fem. -shrug- I dislike the JPN voice for Fem.

FEH is fanservice to a point yeah. @ w @ Like I get that it's to help sales but man it's a bummer sometimes. Thankfully Twitter boosted mCorrin's chances in this year's CYL! So that was cool!

I am not sure if that's allowed as due to the drama recently Prism apparently got banned for it. A lotta stuff I don't know of - I am out of the loop in the community as I do my own thing usually.
I do not want to risk it honestly as quite a few users dislike me for the "Sea Tea" Peach drama from 2013...almost 10 years later and people still can't let it go. Oof.

Hey no worries! Get some sleep, dude! Rest well!
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/25/2022 9:54 pm

Prince Corrin

I know you can with the Switch but the 3DS the cut off was late August if I remember from GameXplain's videos and news articles.
I haven't checked in a bit since I can't find the 3ds my Fates copy is in. sweatdrop I know it's somewhere. Unless my chungus furbaby knocked it under the bed, which is possible.
I really feel you on that. Selling the physical versions and then seeing the prices go up so high after. Holy hell.

I agree! I played my 3DS to death! Heck it was how I met my irl college buddy, James. He saw me playing Y in our art class, came over and started chatting with me.
We've been buds ever since and we still talk to this day! We've played raids in the past for SwSh and with SV coming out that'll be interesting! I'm gonna be sad if Pidgey and Rowlet aren't in tho. :c

I love the cast honestly! First husbando is obvious lol! My other choice was Silas because his VA is Pit/Dark Pit's VA - but Pittoo's vocal tone. (Percy is also Pit's VA, too.)
Because I was - and still am- a Pittoo main, I really wanted to go for him, too. xD Hearing Leo and Takumi's JPN VAs was like "Hold up..." and Leo's is Mamoru Miyano (Ryuji) and Takumi's isYūki Kaji (Alibaba Saluja) which made me fanboy xD A lotta characters share the same VAs and it's interesting when you find it out xD

Hey no worries! I totally understand. Like I've felt something was "off" ever since I was small. Puberty at 8. DD sized chest at 9....it felt gross, vile and just made me feel icky.
I got older and found out what trans was and I looked into it to make sure this was what I was feeling. Had to hide it for a long time because my piece of s**t ex didn't want me to get top surgery.
Perverted a*****e was obsessed with my DD sized chest parasites. stare So she made me feel bad for so long. From 2015 to 2019 - she kept guilt tripping me into not going through with it.
Now that she's gone, I'm getting the help I need. Doctors are hard to get seen by - due to long wait times - same with LGBT resources. But I am patient.
I need to inform them that with my brain surgery last year - TLDR it's Hydrocephlaous I've had it since birth - the tube goes through my right breast.
Thankfully the hospital I had surgery done for my head also has a Trans section and thus my neurosurgeon can communicate with them and ensure that everything goes smoothly.

I feel that the LGBT community tends to force all of us into a tight and tiny box. My view is that we should just do what we feel is best for our bodies and our lives.
Same in the case of romance. Like seeking medical help is the most important thing. My view points have been more chill since last year. Almost dying from surgery in June 2021 made me realize "Who gives a ********" and that we should just strive to be as our happy authentic selves.
I just wish the medical services would understand that and not force us into a tiny a** box. If someone genuinely feels dysphoria, then they have some sort of dysphoria. Plain and simple.
Give folks the care that they need so that they can get help. With that said, I hope that you are able to figure things out and be as happy as you can be! ^ - ^

Oof.....Gaia character limit sucks. (You can delete the other thingy.) Breaking this into two parts. OTL
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/25/2022 8:55 pm

Prince Corrin

it's all good! So no worries! I'm AFK a lot myself.

Helping my grandmother out - going between her place and home - taking care of my BIG CHUNGUS furbaby and medical issues.
TLDR neurological stuff. I get seizures and headaches where I can't get outta bed some days. THC is my best friend xD
Also ERCH work, too. I help my aunt (my dear cousin passed last year) take care of her grandson, Killy, so with what I've learned from my degree, I take care of him when she's not feeling well.
Poor aunt has cancer so I wanna ease the burden as much as possible. (She's my mom's best friend - so not blood related but we're still family)

So no worries on late replies! Take care of yourself and your priorities first! ^-^ The Alchemy study sounds really interesting though! Is it like a college thing or something?

It's nice to meet you as well! ^ - ^ As I said, it's great meeting more chill folks on here instead of the crazies. O__O
I love FE, Pokemon, Kid Icarus, EarthBound/Mother, Sonic, Animal Crossing, Xenoblade and other Nintendo series!
(P5 will be added to the list soon as now i can finally get my hands on it. Broke a** can't afford a SONY system.)
Prince Corrin's avatar

Report | 09/25/2022 8:50 pm

Prince Corrin

Ayy! > w < I'll tell him you said that~ He and my buddy, Ashen Demon, cosplay Jakob! ^ - ^
Ashen Demon also cosplays mByleth as well~ (As her user suggests)

The special edition's price really went up since Nintendo announced the E-Shop closing. Now that you can't add funds, it's harder to do so.
Now there's a "back door" by adding funds to the Switch account - if you got both linked- and you can do it that way I think.
For others who do not know that, they're SOL. Nintendo really should have thought that through. Yes even if the 3DS is considered "Obsolete" just male them free or something instead?
I dunno. But if Nintendo wants us all to become pirates, be my guest! xDDD

I've never gotten to level 99 in my playthroughs of Awakening, Fates or Houses, but I'm usually in the 50s-60s late game in Three Houses!
It's kinda like Pokemon in the sense where I just use my favorite units and make them busted or just play the game as usual. Depends on my mood in a sense.

As a transdude, I couldn't agree more. Look like tiddies are fine but like once they're bigger than a certain size I'm like "Nah...." That's just me.
As someone who is cursed with a bigger bust it reminds me of myself and I'm just like... emotion_puke (Seeking assistance for top surgery tho - gotta get blood work and shiz done first )
Marrying Jakob is like one of the positives. It's just her really cringy fanbase that makes me dislike her. I have some cosplay buds that cosplay her and I love their cosplays of her!
But as I said, the fandom is just...big yikes. Getting mad over male Corrin. Getting mad over him being gay. Yet some fans - like some weirdo that stalks me on dA - ship her with Charizard and Ridley...what...??? Jfc.

Dude they are! They're not "kawaii desu" or sexy like Fem's are in game or FEH. Oh man his FEH alts are so pretty! I love all of them! Oh and Blood Bound Beast...
The voice work of Cam Clarke and Nobunaga Shimazaki for that alt are AMAZING! Shimazaki-san's pained voice really gets me every time. I feel so bad! :c
Corrin pretty much telling the summoner to kill him if his powers get outta control. That truly cuts deep. The art, too! He's scary as hell! Fem??? "I'm going to make uwu dwagon noises at you!" emotion_facepalm Aie.

I made a big post, trying to make it as TLDR as possible but wanted to give context.....it's bad. Real bad. Specific users ruin it for everyone. Especially "Sea Tea."

Apparently so! Ever since the r34 ban, most jumped ship. I'd go on there for ACNH inspo but Twitter has me covered so I quit Tumblr. Ex and her "thing" lurk in there so no thanks.

Dude it really has changed a lot! It's become a lot calmer since people got older. I'm quite happy with that. And as my ex quit after my husband told her to ******** off in a profile post, she's gone. Thank the lord.
(She hates that I'm trans. She needs to get over it.)

You're fine tho! Sometimes I type a lot myself, haha! (Hopefully character limit won't ******** me over here)
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