Oh snapple, it's Mia! :O

'Ello there!! The name is Miaka Tanaka, but my friends call meh Mia.
Likes: :3
Chinchillas. Turtles. Platypus. Anime. Friends. Family. Eyeliner. Gum. Blowing bubbles. Video Games. Teal. Purple. Thunderstorms/the Rain. The ocean. Manatees. Japan. Playing the piano. Scary movies. Dinosours!! Rawr. Fuzzy things. Rollercoasters. Domo!!

Annoying people. People who judge. Spiders. Sharks. Rude people. School. People who can't get over themselves. Cats. Haunted houses.
The dentist. Yellow. Orange. Broken hearts. People who blame themselves all the time. People who use excuses.
People who hurt my friends and family.
People who keep asking me to donate to them.

I'm crazy, but a good crazy. If you would like to add me as a friend, just PM meh! More friends the better.
Please don't be rude. I'll either ignore you, or I'll bug the living heck out of you until you create a new Gaia account.