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country name: Bosnia
human name: Miloska Alic
age: 21
gender: female


Serbia: Serbia is one of bosnia's close neighboring countries. they dont get along at all in fact they fight constantly . bosnia likes to refer to serbia as a dirty rat since serbia and croatia started the war , she hates both serbia and croatia alot.. she does trades with serbia even if she doesnt like them.
turkey: turkey helped bosnia when she was just a little kid by preserving her identity and incorporating her into a integrel province in his empire.
herzegovina:herzegovina is bosnia's older brother.

Bosnia Aph

Bosnia Aph's avatar

Birthday: 05/09




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Matthew WiIIams Report | 01/07/2013 4:24 pm
Matthew WiIIams
looks at her with a puzzeled look" i don't reamber what were doing hear." looks at the bottle in his hand then back at her " that was atractive"
Matthew WiIIams Report | 12/04/2012 10:58 am
Matthew WiIIams
set up and looks at her. "nobody called me canada in about you call me matt" looks at her with a half glair and half smile
lithiummoonfox Report | 12/03/2012 10:23 pm
Th'ank ye loue
lithiummoonfox Report | 12/03/2012 9:47 pm
(( hello ~ and thank u for the friend invite))
Matthew WiIIams Report | 11/14/2012 11:24 pm
Matthew WiIIams
-rolls down the hell still asleep-"zzzzzzz"
Matthew WiIIams Report | 11/04/2012 4:57 pm
Matthew WiIIams
yeah -falls asleep-
Matthew WiIIams Report | 11/04/2012 4:24 pm
Matthew WiIIams
-leys on the grass and watches the clouds-
Matthew WiIIams Report | 11/04/2012 3:56 pm
Matthew WiIIams
-takes the bottle and drinks his half way- its hot hot hear eh
Matthew WiIIams Report | 11/04/2012 2:33 pm
Matthew WiIIams
this shoud be fun -flops down on the grass-
Matthew WiIIams Report | 11/04/2012 2:06 pm
Matthew WiIIams
yeah it wold. so you know i can hold my own and that smile is better -tired of walking and gets