
Bounty_X_X's avatar

Birthday: 08/06

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Hihi everyone!
My name is Joey Rei Beaulieu. im 18, 5'11'', 140lbs...
I have long, usualy messy, brown hair, green, brown, sometimes grey eyes. strange yes.

Im in love with a beautiful girl who loves me just the same back. so obviouysly im taken ^_-

thats about it for now...

this would be me
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war report

this is where i report all of which has happend and waht is happining now-and soon to happen.


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Kuri The Elf Report | 10/23/2011 6:25 am
Kuri The Elf
Kuri The Elf Report | 07/26/2010 12:43 pm
Kuri The Elf
hey joey >< if amys leaving tell ill hold on to her stuff incase she comes back >< im always on here
i amyroo Report | 03/16/2010 10:28 am
i amyroo
ill ask my mom if i can stay in florida but i dont think she will say yes crying
i amyroo Report | 03/16/2010 10:26 am
i amyroo
hey roo what up i miss you
Kuri The Elf Report | 12/08/2009 7:43 pm
Kuri The Elf
I'm really scared right now. There was a homesless guy that was drunk came and sat by me while I was waiting for my dad to pick me up. He asked me for $2 so I gave it to him. Then he started asking me questions like if I drink or smoke or sonethig like he wanted to by it for me. And I told him no. Well after that he stills
Moves closer to me and I start to moved over to the end of my booth. He starts staying that he's clean and will pay me to go with him and I told him in not that type of girl. So he starts to reach for me. I paniced and started hypervenate and told him I had a boyfriend. He made a laugh like I was lieing. "who's the lucky guy?" I looked at danel cuz he's like my big brother. Dan looked at me and smiled. I had fear in my eyes like I was a deer in head lights. He comes over and acts like my bf and the guy still doesn't take the hint and moved even close to me. I whisper "please help me idk what to Dan." after that he told me to go in the back room. So I walke into the back room with Danny. And once he left me I cried. I was so scared I was shaking and crying. Irdk what to do. And I'm still shaking. And Im scare cuz that guy comes everyday day to order from me. Idk what to do.

Danny is my boss
Arii Heart Report | 12/07/2009 5:23 pm
Arii Heart
add me again, its yuffers (I got hacked and had to use one of my side accounts)
Kuri The Elf Report | 12/04/2009 11:19 am
Kuri The Elf
idk.......i dont know what to do! i kinda did a lot with this boy already.
Kuri The Elf Report | 12/04/2009 11:13 am
Kuri The Elf
*sigh* idk whats going on i feel like s**t cuz dad doesnt believe, and saying that im disrespecting him......and you know how i am!
Kuri The Elf Report | 12/04/2009 11:03 am
Kuri The Elf
nonononnonono he didnt hit me!!!! it was someone else that hit me!
Kuri The Elf Report | 12/04/2009 10:58 am
Kuri The Elf
vic attacked, auwin so he called it off. so i went out with a boy here, and i got hit on the neck dad calims it to be a hickey, so now hes saying im showing disrepest to him and mom. i feel like s**t, like i feel asleep in the shower again. and you know excatly what i mean by that!