
Miranda | 24years | ❤
Been around & lurking for 10+ years.

Bevely, Thomas, Puppy, Zetricky, The Subject, & Litoboredjc.
You guys made long nights possible and always managed to make me
smile even if I was at my worse. Thank you for be so amazing & true.
You'll always be considered my family no matter how long it's been.

"You gotta get back up from the wreckage above and walk right through the fire.
No matter what happens, the fact is that the flames keep getting higher."

"I used to think, what if there was a button that I could push and all of the things that have complicated my life would just unhappen? I would push it and all of the people that shouldn’t have died would still be alive. I wouldn’t have hurt anyone or disappoint them. And no one would have hurt me or lied to me. And this whole mess would just be cleaned up. But if I pushed that button, I would be gone, too. I am me because of what has happened, what I have done and because of who I love. I like that person. That me, mess and all. "