Briar Rows

Briar Rows's avatar

Birthday: 12/25

Spotless Mind

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Ravings of a Lunatic Mind

A journal that wishes it were something special. However, it falls short of that. That's okay though. Perhaps journals aren't meant to be special anyways.


Let Thurr Be Music!

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

Hai Thurr

I could tell you about myself, but- that would be too easy. Ask me questions to learn things about me. You can learn a lot about me from talking to me. I love to chat. You can read my journals too. I'll be posting things about me there.

Really, I'm quite friendly. I just don't like to explain my whole personality through a small 'about me' section on a profile that I'm sure no one looks at. PM me. I love PMs <3

You can ask questions on my Formspring too (linked in my signature.) Or leave me random comments there. I'll respond to everything, no matter how crazy, random, inappropriate, boring, or pointless it is. I'll appreciate the talk- I promise.



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Oh Boi

Questing: Coco Kitty Plushie.
Donate, preez?

There is no life I know
To compare with pure imagination
Living there you'll be free
If you truly wish to be


I love questions. <3
