

Name : Brigida [[ nicknames : brigitte, brigi, bri,.. etc ]]
Age: 14 [b-day 21 october ]]
Location: At home.
________Home -> Valencia
________Valencia-> Spain
________Spain -> the world
________the world-> in the universe
________the universe-> what the hell do i know!!

i luv :
irritating ppl
make people get pissed off

my dogz
my future turtle
my cousins
my brothers... [ well, not actually, but... u kinda get used of it]

rosey and chad [ don't get me wrong... just as a friend!! biggrin ]

my friendz..
and my future friendz 2 make here in gaia!

User Image
Total Value: 522,023 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Labu Necklace heart GOT IT!
MoMo the Monkey
Korora the Little Blue Penguin Plush heart donated by Chad_Danielz
Gold BFF Heart Chain heart donated by Chad_Danielz
Gold Promise Ring heart donated by Chad_Danielz
Benny the Puppy
Mochi the Puppy
Deadly Mood Bubble
Brilliant Mood Bubble
... Mood Bubble
Angelic Mood Bubble
Winter Rose heart donated by Chad_Danielz
Magical Girl
Eustace & Ethel
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Kaya the Cat heart donated by Chad_Danielz
Winter Rose


this is me!

...well. Im me... wt more to say. U have noticed im weird, but people like weird people.. dont they? dont u?

me, a red-orangy-blonde-browny hair... yep, i know its strange... thats a other ''nickname'' i have: FREAK-! but in a nice and cute way, my best friends say it! but of course, i let them.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

silver kain

Report | 09/07/2010 1:04 pm

silver kain

lol thanks why u quit gaia???

Report | 05/29/2010 7:07 pm


:O how can u hate me. Ur neva on this s**t animore sad lol me neither. We are both to blame haha. How are yu i miss u so much?

Report | 08/03/2009 4:10 pm


Thats great biggrin

I almost gots a girl Prego.... Dodged that one... (IRL) xD
silver kain

Report | 07/30/2009 2:55 pm

silver kain

im good lol kinda bored out of my mind but good lol

Report | 07/28/2009 4:48 pm


OMG wowzers! long time no chat! xD

Life is pretty awesome, got my Drivers Lisence (FINALLY) and a job, that pays well and a girlfriend xD
life is awshom!

how about urs?

Report | 07/27/2009 2:03 pm


smile o...m...d i guess time doesnt alwayz stagnate relationships brigi smile i think my heart skipped two heart beats i was nearing a complete seizure.. you replied that means so much to me lol... wow your traveling so much something ive stopped doing.. ive decided to slow my roll a little and make britain my home 4 the foreseable future.. im single and happy.. no more girls so you'll be glad to noeee that girls are now onli a passing fancy and im looknig for the one XD.. im sure you have a love of your own right lol XD i hope you do.. and he betta be special to.. coz your one in a MILLION brigi.. i dont noe when ill get on this but im gonna tri and get on as much as possible.. coz i cant stop thinking about you.... wierd init... lol..... i neeeeeeeeeeeeeed to hear whats been going on.. how old are you... are you in college... did u replace me lol.. am i 2nd best lol jkz... my modeling is somethnig thats frozen up to.. i needed to sort myself out.... grrrrr so m,uch to tell you D: we must organsie a time and date when we can both get on at least.... ps.. love you lots chad smile

Report | 07/10/2009 2:30 pm


hey i dont know if u get on animore.. but i havent forgoten you... its funi coz after all this time i still rememba brigida from gaia lol... must of been love for me lolz... your alwayz in my thoughts its funni... time's gone by and i suppose your a totalli different person lol.. i know ive changed a lot.. ive seen so many different things in my time.. i just wondered u needa give me some love suga lol... drop me a message or something anything lol... alwayz thinkin of you.. lil chad smile
silver kain

Report | 03/07/2009 1:22 pm

silver kain

thanks u too
silver kain

Report | 03/07/2009 11:09 am

silver kain

hey whats up notin much u???

Report | 12/04/2008 3:46 pm


User Image


User Image
Total Value: 350,148,173 Gold

donations kindly accepted!! biggrin