
Hey guys I finally got internet! But whats the internet without my best friend. cry My dog who was also my best buddy had died August 13. He lived a great life expacily since he got one dog pregnent like sevral times. lol He was a horny dog but otherwise a good dog and I had him since he was born. Baby I love you and always will. And I'll miss you buddy. You will be missed but never forgotten. And say hi to my uncle big Micheal for me.

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The black and brown looking rot whiler or however you spell it looking dog is Pedro even though we don't think she was full rot whiler we know she had a lil in her but either way she was a fun dog and she sure loved flower pots or anything like a flower pot cause you take one and throw it she would chase after it and grab it but she would not bring it back in fact she ran off with it playing with it and if she stoped and chewed on it the minute you got close to her she'd take off again with it. I used to try and chase her down but she always won. Once in awhile she would mess up and I would grab the flower pot and do it again man I'm gonna miss her R.I.P Pedro You're another family member we'll miss and always love! Same to you Baby

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Hey everybody if you want to watch the AMV's I have made or half made just goto this link and it should take you to my youtube account http://www.youtube.com/Animeluver719 and remember to comment on them. Oh and some of the videos are me doing my anime voices.

Hi whatsup my name is Aaron and I'm from North Carolina and i'm 20 years old and i'm a Christian and proud of it! smile Anyways right now im looking for a Girlfriend which I havn't got any luck with right now expacily since Im very shy unless the girl talks to me first im less shy anyways Im trying to find a girl who will respect my liking for anime and won't try to change that and is also cute with a great personality and when I say cute I don't mean they gotta be the hottest thing on earth just cute thats all. Im actually a nice guy I mean Im not mean to anyone and don't holler at anyone unless I get mad or fustrated and I do holler at my game if I lose too many times XD I know a bad habit. And I i'm very much like Naruto and Hinata off the show Naruto, why cause I got ADHD so i'm very hyper but i'm like Hinata cause I'm very shy expacily on dates. And I love anime I like Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, Inuyasha, S-cry-ed, Trigun, samuri champlo or however you spell it, One peice, Naruto, and more. I also love manga, video games, sk8boarding, music, and more stuff I don't feel like putting down. Well thats some of the stuff I like oh and the kind of bands I like are mostly rock and heavy metal but I somtimes listen to other stuff like rap, and punk and others and I love making AMV's but curently all my AMV's are on my other computer which my brother has. Anyways my most favorite band is Disturbed. The game systems I currently own are PS2, Wii, ((which is broken D:<)) Xbox 360((Which is broken too! D:<)), a broken dreamcast, N64, GBA, GBA SP, and thats about it I think and if you want my gamertag for my 360 just ask same goes for my wii friend code for the wii. Oh and I play World of warcraft so if you want my screen name or the server I use or one of my characters names just pm me. I'll give more info later maybe.

This is me giving the rock on symbole yea I know I have alot of hair.
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This is a picture of me giving a double rock on sign. I know hair. lol
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Hi this is my Dream avi for a custom version of my most favorite DBZ character Broly
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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Well this is me and what I look like in real life and I've always been to shy to put a picture of me up cause I was afraid of what people would think or say about me but I finally got the courage to do it and I figured what I should have figured out a long time ago who cares what people think or say about how you look if they care about how I look there just asses who need to mind there own buesiness and if my friends care the way I look then there not friends at all and yes I got pimples so what wanna fight about it lol but yea I do and everyone gets em so if you wanna make fun of the way I look then you can goto hell. Oh by the way I got swiming trunks on cause I was swiming in my pool a few hours ago. smile

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Viewing 12 of 78 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Kami Goku

Report | 05/04/2014 11:13 pm

Kami Goku

Feel free to join in with us old timer.
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Report | 06/08/2013 9:02 am


Hey man what's up? biggrin

Report | 02/19/2010 12:13 pm


Hey guys this is me Broly719 and this is my new account which I get on more now! So send me a friend request on this name.
My Dearest Insanity

Report | 12/11/2009 12:00 pm

My Dearest Insanity

Hi ^.^
Gai Seshiru

Report | 12/10/2009 4:04 pm

Gai Seshiru

Hey what you getting this year for Christmas?
Gai Seshiru

Report | 11/08/2009 9:29 pm

Gai Seshiru

sorry no and idk any one that would be into it lol
Gai Seshiru

Report | 11/08/2009 7:27 pm

Gai Seshiru

same lol
Gai Seshiru

Report | 11/08/2009 5:17 pm

Gai Seshiru

yeah and nm you
Gai Seshiru

Report | 11/08/2009 5:06 pm

Gai Seshiru

hey broly whats up
iAruban Maka

Report | 09/26/2009 11:04 am

iAruban Maka

Lol I know it isn't my fault, but still. Yeah everybody is getting older so it's kind of hard to get on more.


[img:ab5ea58dc7]http://tinyurl.com/2xfnuu[/img:ab5ea58dc7] Join my Anime Crossover guild please I need some members bad right now we only got Naruto meets Dragonball Z but I will add more crossovers after I get enough members. So click pic!