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bu-mu's avatar

Last Login: 01/04/2009 2:31 am

Registered: 11/26/2005

Gender: Male


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x_phantasmagoria_x Report | 10/03/2006 8:51 pm
bu-mu Report | 10/03/2006 8:24 pm
Lovely one-liner comments. Sigh. Better than none I guess. Well, today is the day I met L-toe-boy, who is two feet tall and tiny. I was, how you say, "ecstatic." Like when I profile men. >.< Just kidding.

Anyway, anyone who has never read Death Note totally should. I insist. I'll even loan you the books. I LURVE it. Even Mello. Even *cough* Near.

So, people, are we stoked for Hallow's Scene or what?!?!

I'm not, really. I want to be a pokeball, but I'm not sure if I'll even participate in Hallow's Scene this year. Is that sad or what?

And I still need gloves and a headband. crying And I call myself a Naruto fan... *sniffle*
psuedo kira cat Report | 09/19/2006 6:14 pm
emo pants!!!!!!
lemon_fueled_brain Report | 09/12/2006 9:22 pm
Yarg? What a very strange comment to leave on a profile (just kidding).
psuedo kira cat Report | 08/24/2006 4:44 pm
lemon_fueled_brain Report | 08/19/2006 1:27 pm
bu-mu Report | 08/15/2006 6:00 pm
You just said, 'I am for loss at what to say'. Which is horrible. No?

:...Am I supposed to say, 'No', as in no it is horrible, or 'Yes', as in it is horrible.

Me: No, you're supposed to agree.

:...-.-" I hate you.

Me: *Watches Candyman video and squeals* That's hard!

:...O.o I'm going to pretend you didn't say that...

Me: *Bites nonexistant doughnut* Whatever makes you feel better, Kitty.

:You're sick.

Me: I know! I've been coughing and sniffling all day!

lemon_fueled_brain Report | 08/14/2006 12:08 am
oh umm weird... I thought I saw koarisan here. oh great I'm hallucinating. 5th step of insanity-_-;
lemon_fueled_brain Report | 08/13/2006 9:57 pm
More typing errors missed my blind eyes: "that" and "because" not "cause". Oh my god, I really am illiterate.
lemon_fueled_brain Report | 08/13/2006 9:54 pm
*typing error: "new ones" not "new one"
and chezy is just a word based on the word "cheesy" which means I am for loss of what else to say. and i've spent to much time with mikayla.