
name:lindsey ray bowen
age:dont matter
get to know me
i get along better with guys
scremo, rock,metal
dont lable me

your knife my back my gun your head♥
I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps A Cowboy King

i wanna move far away to somewhere ill finaly be happy but that wont ever happen cuz im just lindsey so it doesnt matter if im happy or not!!!!

i know that i have done wrong and continue to do so without remorse,i know that im on a fast track to the grave and im headed there alone,i stuggle to find myself this time,save yourself for a man with a conscience,i fight to find myself this time save yourself for a man that is not me♥

i see myself there,standing bye the roadside,laid claim to nothing but the black bag and the attire i stand in,no name ,no history,just a target on my temple,and a hole in my head,i couldve benn one of kings,the shell of a boy,of the man i use to be,a monkey in a man suit,i stand here as nothing to you,wind me up,and watch me go,LAY DOWN YOUR GUNS,CUT ME FROM EAR TO EAR

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