They Call me Bucket!

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Registered: 05/13/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/06

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Hi. I'm a scorpion-cat that wears buckets on my head.


Who I am

Hi, I'm Bucket~
Not much to know about me really other than being a person trying to get by in the adult life. /sobs

I'm kidding, kind of.

I suppose some of my interests are in reading and playing video games. Wish to know more outside of that, feel free to message me. c:

If you have questions about vending, be sure to first and foremost check out the guild below! <3

T3h Vending Guild

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_BluuIvyy_ Report | 07/14/2024 8:04 pm
thanks for shopping!
xxrainycloudsxx Report | 01/28/2021 6:54 pm
I don't even use Skype anymore but I do have discord on my phone.

Do you have discord?
xxrainycloudsxx Report | 01/27/2021 6:26 pm
I think I'll still steer clear of it, at least for now. xp

Yeah that's part of why we stopped playing ARK, every week was like a 9-20 GB update, EVERY WEEK. I've been playing ESO for a month now, 1 update 318MBs

Yeah it's still going to be a game room, but i am going to build a bar and we are probably going to buy a pool table, so it will be a different kind of game room,
We also have a pool i need to learn how to maintain.

it's so nice talking to you again <3, i basically disappeared after going to the academy, but life just got so crazy for me.
xxrainycloudsxx Report | 01/27/2021 11:34 am
Nah, especially since i've already had it, they s**t that vaccine out so quickly i don't trust it. I feel like they had a timeline and rushed to fulfill it, regardless of side effects, plus i bet it only treats one strain.

Yeah we were playing ARK for a long time but got bored of it, luckily online play doesn't cost must data for the hot spot, its the game downloads that kill it, so i go to friend's house to download my games.
You can't even stream netflix on 6mbs lol
Yeah the problem with the request to providers is everyone in my neighborhood have lived here for 40+ years so they are all old and don't care about the internet, so im forced to wait for new people to move in, or pay for the cable to run out here myself which would be around 30-40k at minimum, so i'll have to wait several years probably. rofl
But we are trying to have kids now anyway, so i won't have as much time for gaming anyway, sucks though, this house has a giant extra game room we planned on setting up to be a gamer's dream, but with no internet, no point.
xxrainycloudsxx Report | 01/27/2021 11:12 am
Will you guys be getting the vaccine when it becomes available?

And yeah when i'm not doing yardwork (raining outside today) i am either on elder scrolls online or gaia xDD

Yeah we didn't really think about it, but we always wanted a house in the country so we would have to deal with this eventually anyway, we are looking at buying a 4 wheeler and a dirt bike, so maybe we will become outside people idk.
The previous owner said high speed internet was available, he was in his 70s, the only internet avaiable is DSL, which is 6 mbs and 90 dollars a month, i told them i would rather not have internet.
The worst part is the old home we were renting we had AT&T fiber, 1TB for 80 bucks a month, so we went from the best to literally nothing. And comcast is available 1 mile up the road!!!
xxrainycloudsxx Report | 01/27/2021 10:56 am
Yeah, well my wife didn't really want to get rid of them anyway, and i said we can't have too many animals till we bought our own house,
Well now we have our own house so i don't have any excuses anymore so we kept most of the kittens. rofl
She grew up raising chickens and ducks so it should be no problem, except i don't really want anything to do with all these animals i am forced into it lol

And yeah i'm glad you guys haven't gotten it, California is a hotbed for it, but so is memphis i guess, its been such a weird year, but at least i don't need an excuse to stay home anymore.
I've seen so many old faces on gaia recently, everybody stuck at home.

omg though so the house we bought, it's in the country, so there is no interent available other than satellite, which is far to expensive for a cap of 100GBS, so we can only play games and get online via hotspot on our phones. It's ancient times here dramallama
xxrainycloudsxx Report | 01/27/2021 10:45 am
Yes things are going great, finally a fully certified air traffic controller and we recently bought a house.
We currently have 6 cats and a dog and we are getting chickens + ducks in the spring. a regular farm.

Also i recently recovered from COVID, i only lost my sense of smell and taste though.
xxrainycloudsxx Report | 01/27/2021 10:38 am
If you can call it vending nowadays xD

I am doing good, enjoying my weekend, how are you doing?
xxrainycloudsxx Report | 01/27/2021 10:31 am
Spyrite Report | 01/09/2021 5:08 pm
Hope so, too. Job hunt begins!