
buttercup1553's avatar

my musck

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hyperino159 Report | 07/10/2009 2:01 pm
Quit scamming me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lisarrat Report | 07/07/2009 8:51 am
xXxTruexXxEvilxXx Report | 07/27/2008 9:49 am
ehh finnnee loser lol.

man =[

i miss my java monsters! gawd i cant find one here ><
xXxTruexXxEvilxXx Report | 07/26/2008 6:06 pm
i said you could go ahead, i dont care
xXxTruexXxEvilxXx Report | 07/25/2008 7:33 pm
lol yeah i saw the alien and i was all like "wtf.. whateverr she likes i guess." xD
xXxTruexXxEvilxXx Report | 07/24/2008 10:14 pm
lol joke joke joke! xD

gawd it took me 6 hours to get back. 5 hours on the airplane and 1 hour way back from airport.

it was only suppose to take 2 hours total but stuff happened on the airplane >_< "mother nature" happened.

i miss you too =]


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do you ever notice that you go day by day
&& nothing changes but when you end up
lookin back in the past everything is different???
Im the type of girl who will burst out laughing
in dead silence at soemthing that happened
a week ago thats how random i really am
&& i dont care what people say about me
&& what they think because i love me for me
&& i dont like to be pushed around by people
i love music, wii, ds, rockband, guitar hero,
mario cart, hello kitty, im inlove with
photography dont ask why i just do
for some reason people who really
know me should know dislikes and likes.....
i freckn love my cousin/bessfriend that
was there for me all the time <333333
&& probably have my back forever
&& you know who you are im seriously
gonna miss hangn out
&& talkn to you im happy that your mom
&& my mom met its so awesome how you
knew me before i was born.......[random]
but yeah i love yah dude i cant wait till next
year when you move down here so we could
walk to school together buts thats when ill be a
freshman blah first year in highschool and youll
be in tenth grade thaank you for everything
your freckin awesome i love yah dude<<333
ohh and remember in youth group when nico
broke his slipper and kuya joey was like
throw it away and nico was like i need it
andd how kuya joey was like talkin about
donuts and he said (walang bukas) and ateh
angela was like theres no tomorrow and kuya
joey was liek laughin his butt off dude tony was
so loud during bible relay he was yelling everything
dang well yeah i hope we stay intouch i love you