
1. I like black pens. They seem more professional than blue ones and more likely to match everyone. An essay written in blue would clash with the red used to grade it.
2. I do not believe in astrology. But I'm still very into it, as one might have guessed from my username. I am a Libra, which means that I am an air sign who embraces change. I have very good taste and believe in justice. I do actually believe in justice, but the other claims are somewhat dubious.
3. I do not think that dreams eventually come true. Or, at least, I hope not, given some of the dreams I've had recently. Though it would be interesting if the dream where I was Catwoman attempting to have a threesome with Superman and Batman came true, I have to admit.
4. In some ways, I am ultra-focused on being a good, non-judgmental person. I try really hard and beat myself up if I think the wrong way. But in other ways, I really am non-judgmental. Perhaps too much. For example, it really pisses me off when history books talk about how awful Hitler was. I'm not saying that he wasn't a huge b*****d. I just think that they should tell the readers what he did and let them draw their own conclusions. If they don't think his actions were evil, then they're probably cut out to be a serial killer.
5. Geekiness alert: my favorite comic book character is Big Barda. You've probably never even heard of her unless you happen to be a fairly proficient comic book reader. (Or if you saw the JLU episode "The Ties That Bind" or the BB episode "The Call.") But I love her. It's sort of hard to say why, but... Oh heck, it's easy to say why. The only hard part is choosing just one awesome moment. But I think this image of her casually punching a shark might do.
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6. I envy people who can write. I can write okay, but I don't have flair. I can't make people cry, can't make them laugh, can't manipulate people's emotions like really good authors do. At least, I can't now. After I go steal the writing abilities from Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, I'll be able to manipulate people's brains right out of their skulls. (Of course, committing such an action would require a better sense of scientific knowledge that the one I currently possess. Hmm. Maybe I'll get someone else to steal their writing abilities for me. Anyone interested?)
7. I don't understand *****. I'm not sure that most TV shows do, either, but maybe that's just an extension of my confusion. ***** are always portrayed as their worst feature being that they're attracted to little kids. But shouldn't their worst feature be that they are unable to control their actions? I mean, I like men. But I don't go around raping them. It's not hugely uncommon for persons to remain a virgin their entire life. So why don't ***** do the same thing? (Of course, maybe they do, and we just never hear about the ones who don't actually do anything.)
8. I really, really, really like romance in books. And, yet, ironically, my Favorite Book of All Time has exactly zero romance in it. There's not even any platonic love. Just bunnies, ritual murder, matricide, and shapeshifters. Even more strangely, I hate romance novels. I just don't think they're romantic enough.
9. I get so used to being me that I forget what other people are like. For me, it's not weird to carry around a book everywhere, because I always do that. Frankly, I don't understand how people can survive without doing that. What do you people do when you're bored? Sleep? Fantasize? Commit genocide? It's a mystery.
10. Wolverine could not take Lobo. Lobo can take Superman on and win, Wolverine is more on Wonder Woman's level. Sorry, that's just something that's been floating around in my head recently.
11. "You bought a used lion?" Lions are great. There's no two ways about it.

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Viewing 12 of 17 friends


Rambles of a Geek

Sailor Libra's Rambles

I will normally just wonder about random stuff... Sometimes, I might describe my life or whatever.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

JellyBeary Mulleter

Report | 12/01/2012 3:33 pm

JellyBeary Mulleter

Thank you for your purchase.
Romula Atomica

Report | 11/11/2008 12:14 pm

Romula Atomica

I think comic books are the closest things we have to modern day legends.

It's a mythology really.

Speaking of comic books I just read Watchmen for the first time last night.

I can't believe I've actually put off reading it until now.

It's amazing, I was so impressed.

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Romula Atomica

Report | 11/09/2008 9:20 pm

Romula Atomica

Batman Beyond and JLU were the reasons I got into DC.

And then after I rediscovered Batman: The Animated Series I became a unrepentant DC fangirl.

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Romula Atomica

Report | 11/09/2008 9:14 pm

Romula Atomica

Oh wow.

Didn't notice your media or your icons.

I didn't think anyone else liked Justice League anymore.

That show is so ********' awesome, I need to update my favorites and put it up there.

No, you're the most awesome thing ever.

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Romula Atomica

Report | 11/09/2008 8:50 pm

Romula Atomica

Your signature made me get all teary eyed.


Also, I used to have this profile.

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Report | 11/09/2008 8:24 pm












Captain Mantis

Report | 08/03/2008 3:07 pm

Captain Mantis

Yes I 'll still be active.

Just not on my Xaras Cullen account.

Ultima Firaga is my new main.
Captain Mantis

Report | 07/26/2008 6:31 pm

Captain Mantis

Nope, it was permanently banned.

I can't recieve friend requests.

And you know how I got banned?

I posted that there's nothing wrong with the emo culture and that those who have a problem with it can kiss my a**.

Somehow it was deemed offensive and so I got banned.

This is why I freakin' hate Gaia.

I'm going to quit Gaia if they don't sort my account out.

You can still talk to me on MySpace.
Xaras Cullen

Report | 07/26/2008 5:30 pm

Xaras Cullen

Because my account had been banned temporarily, so I sent all my items to Ultima.

Guess I'm not banned anymore if I can log in.
Xaras Cullen

Report | 07/13/2008 8:45 pm

Xaras Cullen

I'm commenting you. Comment me back so I'll know you love me. In fact, go ahead and grace the guild with your presence. And it wouldn't hurt to call me on the phone. Your cell is always off when I call you.


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