buy the moon

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Registered: 10/23/2006

Gender: Male

Birthday: 08/13

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RavingProductions on 11/22/2023


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I haven't been on here since I think I was a teenager, but to any friends I had on here thank you for allowing me to express myself when I didn't know who I was.

I'm Cas now, I use he/they pronouns, please find me on instagram or Twitter at sgtsweetcheeks if you want to reconnect


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w o l f y_stars Report | 07/24/2021 3:37 am
w o l f y_stars
Well I'm not sure on how much you remember about me but I actually don't have accounts on either of those things lol. But I can talk through Facebook.
w o l f y_stars Report | 08/26/2019 2:56 am
w o l f y_stars
I really do miss you! I hope you are doing well and I wish I could tell you everything I've done. Our rps will hold a special place in my heart though as they taught me a lot smile
w o l f y_stars Report | 04/28/2017 9:16 pm
w o l f y_stars
Decided to leave you a comment for the next time you get on
Miss you and our role plays we used to do :3
leeloh Report | 09/30/2013 11:50 am

      moonie, you aren't in university yet, are you?
      you still have this year left, eh?
      confused /questioning
Kaida the Dancing Dragon Report | 09/29/2012 9:53 pm
Kaida the Dancing Dragon
I SEE YOU! *glomps*
XD_Fabulous_Undertaker_XD Report | 02/19/2012 3:28 am
Just a random commentor blaugh
Musical_Vampire_Socks Report | 02/10/2012 1:33 pm
is the guy in your sig the actor that plays Draco Malfoy in the harry potter movies?
or does he just look like him?
nice avi. btw
leeloh Report | 01/15/2012 8:18 am
        oh my, darling. i think you should get a little help, perhaps? just let it be known, i am concerned for you. lol.

        but erm, i'm procrastinating, as always. i have 2 summatives due on tuesday and then another due on wednesday, and they're all really big ones too D: but i'll manage. i always kinda, sorta do... how 'bout you lovely? y'know, besides the fact that you're cuckoo and want cookie dough

        and erm, i'd like to do it and take it the extra step and have dax somehow get into cayla's pants cus of how shane and phoenix have been acting. hmpf! get his payback for their actions. an endless circle, man. but uh, i wanna do it, but i don't know how. vinni is leaving the party and he's pretty much dax's right hand man, and er, jeremiah has no balls to go against the crazy b***h :/ 

        and i don't want the footer thing! it looks all ugly when it's expanded. i keep it, just to have the quick links cus that's handy ): 
Twankiie Report | 12/21/2011 6:23 pm
It is funny in some ways,
but analyzing it, I did a huge paper on it this semester.
Pettruchio physically and mentally abuses Kate the entire way.
Her sister is manipulative and Kate is hated by everyone
in town because she's not playing the part her little sister
knows how to play. She became mean as an act of self-defense.
I dunno. From a psychological stand point, I hated every character except for Kate.
Twankiie Report | 12/21/2011 6:04 pm
Very nice.
I loved all of the names Pettruchio came up with.
Though upon analyzing the play, I haven't decided if I like it
or hate it.



name's Kathryn and I roleplay.
nerdfighter, gleek, mlp fan, starkid and ravenclaw c:

w o l f y_stars
Into The Thicket
Kaida the Dancing Dragon
highway deer