C r i s p y H u m a n s

C r i s p y  H u m a n s's avatar

Registered: 07/21/2008

Location: In your bed.

Birthday: 08/23

Occupation: Video Game Designer, Writer, Cliff Diver

Meeeeee. <3

"The sky's the limit"

Questing: G o t i C l i p s
Oh and BTW:

M A D C R E A M Y S O D A=BestBitchYou'llEverMeet

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Listen. NOW. O:

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Read IT. Its not that long. []:

jk. ILY guys. <3
Well my name is Annabelle. <3
My friends call me Shelly or Annie.
I have no idea where Shelly came from.
But thats what I usually go by.
I guess its because I have a major collection of sea shells.
I love to spend time at the beach.
If you can't find me there, I'm either at my friends house.
Bugging the hell out of her.
I'm at an arcade.
I love video games.
Recently my WII broke. So that's a b***h.
I have to go over to the arcade.
I like to spend money. So if you ever come over.
You'll see a bunch of useless crap lying everywhere.
Yep I'm not a neat freak.
So don't bother telling me to clean up.
Or for that fact "Clean up your act"
I hate bullshit like that.
Argh. I'm so sick of people's personalities.
If you think your cool.
And straight edge and don't bullshit.
Come talk to me.
I think we'll get a long just fine. cool
I like people who try to be cool.
It makes them look nerdy.
I like nerds. cool
I love to play DDR and I'll probably kick your a** at it. 4laugh
My brother is kickass. kthx.
He's my best friend.
I swear, I mean it.
If you ever mess with my friends or family.
I'll god damn hunt you down and kick your a**.
I mean it.
I'll cut your god damn pen0r off. scream
Even if you don't have one! I'll find a way to hurt you. cool
I guess you can say I'm violent.
I'm a gore fanatic.
Anything you find "scary" is probably cheescake to me.
I like cheesecake though. cool
I like hippie crap.
I listen to music probably you won't listen too.
I have a p***y.
Jesus you guys are awful. rolleyes
Her name is Becky.
Its a name at least.
I don't believe in love.
I don't know why.
I believe in hurt though.
Thats a b***h. D:
I only have one quote that I like.
"The Sky's The Limit"
Maybe not on the interwebz.
But out there. Sure it is.
So thats about itttttt.
Anything else you want to know, PM me.
C'mon don't be shy!
You know you want too. cool

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Them didn't leave no comment. D:

Donors. <3