
Hai there, betches. Mah name's Nicky.
Love me yet?
;D <3

SMOSH <333334567 Mainly Ian ;D ; Guys ; HARVEY DANGER!!!!!! <3333344 ; Hugs <3 ; AC/DC ; Rock of any sort <3 ; Salads ; Fruit salads ; Guitars ; GuitarISTS Lolz xD ; Playing guitar ; Writing poetry and short stories ; Drawing cartoons ( Not exactly comics ) ; Talking on the phone ; I ABSOLUTELY love rainbows like woah <33333313045981345 ; Typing blog like thingies ; Lame movies, specially from the 70s, 80s, and 90s <3333 ; Most music from the 70s, 80s, and 90s x3 ; Talking about myself ;D ; MY BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD <3 ;D ; Making fashion statements ;3 ; CONVERSES AND VANS ; Painting my nails : D

Acne. Ugh. Gross. D': ; Anime and Japanese music ( Sorry, I know a lot of you like it D; ) ; People telling me I look like a girl and mistakening me for one. >:[ ; Popular bitches who shouldn't even be alive. D:< ; People telling me what to do with my life ; People making fun of me for liking the same gender D:

I wish I was/could be/had...//:
British xD Or at least have a hot British accent ;D ; Blond ;=; ; Longer hair. Like an emo cut. <3 ; Vegitarian ; A famous rockstar. O: ; Psh. Yeah right. I'd rather have sex for money. xD ; No. Seriously. ;l

Things to remember...//:
I'm not going to turn bi or straight any time soon. So "hott" girls, don't bug me and try to change my mind, mkay? DAMN. I'm bi. D: DAMN YOU, BRITTNEY D: ; I'm willing to talk to anyone. About anything. :] ; If you wanna be my friend, talk to me? : D ; Just because I mainly like guys doesn't mean I don't rape girls. LOL, kidding. That's my brother's job. : D ; Omg, April 19th is my birthday ;P

Now remember kids.... NICKY LOVES YOU!