
Journalistic Tendencies

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Oh--hey! What are you doing here? Sorry, I'm just moving some things in; I didn't know I'd have company today. Don't mind all those boxes...the storage didn't accept my card, so I had to bring all my stuff into the new place already! It's fine, I've had worse. Did you want to pull up a chair? ...Oh, wait. Um... *looks around for a moment, pursing her lips*

....Oh! *leans down, struggling to pull a box over, then gestures to it* Have a seat! *sits on a box somewhat nearby and smiles*

Now that we're all settled...what's up? 'S there a reason for you to be here? I mean, I'm new here and I--....is this about the band? You're interested in Astral Midwinter? Oh, awesome! That's totally wicked, I mean, someone coming to ask me about that kinda thing right after I moved in. ....It's...not about the band? Well...that's...o-oh, okay. Yeah, I'll just tell you about me, I guess...

My name, if you saw on the mailbox outside, is Caelie. "Caelie Cue" is a nickname that some of my friends came up with, you know, after the word curlicue. Or something like that. I dunno, I just get kind of irritated when people use it. Let's see...I'm just coming into my twenties, I was born in Seattle, aaaand my parents hate the fact that I'm in a band. My haircut also seems to piss them off more than a little, so I haven't talked to them in a while. Haha...hmm.

As for the band, I'm the vocalist! Astral Midwinter is kind of the brainchild between me and my best friend Ashleigh. Despite the name, he's totally a guy. A really, really attractive guy. The ladies--and some gentlemen--love him! He plays the guitar. A couple of our other friends from high school play the drums and bass guitar. It's pretty frickin' cool. We haven't been signed onto a major label yet, but...hey, it's gonna happen. I know it will.

Perfect proof of this would be the fact that I happen to know one of the most popular bands in mainstream music right now! That's right, I'm referring to the one, the only...Crimson Rain. Yeah, I know, you can get that smirk off your face. Okay? We met because Ashleigh's a huge fan of them and dragged me to one of their concerts. Now, ordinarily I can't stand that whole "emo screamo" scene, but hot damn, that was one of the best concerts I've ever been to. Désiré's voice was awe-inspiring, Evelyn made some pretty fancy chords happen, Aldéric handled those drums like a pro, and...oh, I see that tension in your face. Samael. He's pretty cool, I mean, when he's not being a total jerk-face. And his guitar skills are second to none. But am I one of his many, many fangirls? Haha! Oh, please.

Anyway, I guess I'm just one of your average coming-out-of-teenage-phase girls. I absolutely love to dance, I'm a pretty cheerful person on the whole, and of course it'd be cool to meet new people. Now that I'm in a new city, it's like a whole new chapter of my life, right? Can't wait! It's gonna be awesome.

I really hate to push you out right now, but I still have more moving to do...hey, maybe come back when I've got everything all set up, huh? And hey, feel free to write me a letter or a note! Give me a call--I'm free to talk any time. *grins* Catch ya later!


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Journalistic Tendencies

A little place to put my thoughts down. Nothing too special!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Samael Morel

Report | 06/26/2009 2:50 pm

Samael Morel

Samael Morel

Report | 06/24/2009 9:42 pm

Samael Morel

Aw, you don't really want that. Do you, babe?
Samael Morel

Report | 06/23/2009 3:24 pm

Samael Morel

Lost for words? *grins* Too bad..
Samael Morel

Report | 06/22/2009 7:42 pm

Samael Morel

Hmm.. Photos? You like what you see?
Samael Morel

Report | 06/15/2009 8:02 am

Samael Morel

And you think I'd get close enough to a lake to look at myself? Like it could even happen. *rolls his eyes*
Samael Morel

Report | 06/14/2009 8:11 pm

Samael Morel

Tch.. He had to have been one kickass guy. I hear 'bout him all the time.
Astral Midwinter Junkie

Report | 06/05/2009 9:35 pm

Astral Midwinter Junkie

Hey, wait a minute... Who the ******** do you think you are? You have no clue who the hell I am.
Astral Midwinter Junkie

Report | 06/05/2009 8:46 pm

Astral Midwinter Junkie

Heh... I scare you? Why's that?
Astral Midwinter Junkie

Report | 06/05/2009 5:46 pm

Astral Midwinter Junkie

Heh... You're shy, aren't you? 'S understandable. I mean.. *holds out his arms a bit and gestures to himself with his hands* You've never seen anyone like me before.
Astral Midwinter Junkie

Report | 06/04/2009 9:46 pm

Astral Midwinter Junkie

Mm.. Not that new. I'd be able to give you a tour of the place.


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Dance with me, pretty boy, tonight
Dance with me and we'll be alright
There's a whole floor before us just for you and me
So follow my lead and we'll 1-2-3