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Hi. I do my best to offer reasonable prices. If you feel like you really want something in the shop but it costs just a little too much, talk to me and maybe something can be agreed upon.

I might not sell a lot of stuff, but I appreciate all help. I have a massive wish list, and as you can probably imagine, every single piece of Gold helps.


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Generous Donors

(Note: This is just based off of the list I had and my recent memory. My last one was just based off of Gold, though, not items, so I could be missing someone. Let me know if you gave something to me but you don't see your name up here.)

Avril Dizzy Ocho
Radu (aka Lieutenant Commander Data)
Rurijou (aka Freya Caelum)
Unno Rokuro
Tall Dark and Snarky
Skeet Draconis
and any anonymous benefactors.

This is Cairo. And, Most Likely, Chicago.

Cairo Luz's avatar

Last Login: 12/13/2015 10:30 am

Registered: 01/02/2012

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/17

My Current Outfit

I'm Really Not Good at Talking About Myself.

From a certain perspective, I guess I am. I mean, I could go on telling you every detail of my life for thirty paragraphs. But when it comes to cutting the crap and getting to the important parts of who I am, it makes me feel a little bit like a robot.

I'll try my best to be concise while still expressing myself, but being concise is not one of my strong points. Thought I should give you some warning ahead of time.

First off, the basics: I'm a girl. I'm currently 18, and I live in the US-- nowhere too exciting, just the Midwestern suburbs.

Unless I'm in a bad mood, I'm generally a nice person. Even when I'm in a bad mood, I try to be nice. I think some people act like jerks online because they can't get away with it in real life. (I'm not saying all online jerks follow this philosophy, or even that the ones who do realize that's what they're doing. Not trying to make any offensive generalizations here.) That bugs me. I try to treat people online pretty much how I treat people off the computer, and for me, that's with respect and at least an attempt at understanding.

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit this, but my parents set limits on my time here on Gaia. Unless I don't have school or it's some other special occasion, I can't be online at all on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Thursday through Sunday I'm usually online, though-- that is, unless I have a major load of homework.

I haven't been posting there too long compared to some of the regulars, but I have to say, my favorite forums is, without a doubt, the WG. It's an awesome community to be a part of. Everyone I've met there is really nice, and we know how to have fun, too.

Some things I like: Pokemon, reading (novels as opposed to manga), writing, algebra, Sudoku, coffee, jeans (I can't understand the yoga pants craze for the life of me), cute clothes in general, Death Cab for Cutie (they're a band), Garbage (another band; I'm not too fond of one of their albums, but I like the rest), cats, whippets (a dog breed, and yes, we have one-- we also have three cats), finches, the Internet, intelligence, quirkiness, and quite a few desserts.

That's all I can think of to say about myself for now-- at least, all I can think of that wouldn't make me seem like I was rambling. I was debating for a while over whether to keep things concise in here, but you know what? I'm just not a concise person, and I think that should show a bit here. xp

Questions, Comments, or Concerns?

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Still Snoozing Report | 11/06/2015 2:30 pm
Still Snoozing
Oooooh, it's nice that you'Re back then! ;w;
I hope everything's fine now~ <3
Still Snoozing Report | 11/05/2015 11:58 am
Still Snoozing
omg CAIRO YOU CAME BACK! where were you? Welcome back home >w<
Sayonara to Gravity Report | 11/02/2015 6:21 pm
Sayonara to Gravity
Some people did quit, though, and I miss them. As for new people, to be honest, I'm not that close to all of them, but I do have some new friends.
Sayonara to Gravity Report | 11/02/2015 4:05 pm
Sayonara to Gravity
I don't have that any friends IRL either, so I still stick to Gaia most of the time (when I'm not bogged down with schoolwork, that is). And yeah, on my part, I tend to wonder if my inactive friends would still be coming back, whether in the same account, or whether by forgetting about the old account or wanting to start over, in a new one.
Sayonara to Gravity Report | 11/02/2015 3:56 pm
Sayonara to Gravity
What led up to you deciding to come back, if I may ask?
Sayonara to Gravity Report | 11/02/2015 4:11 am
Sayonara to Gravity
I-is that really... are you really... you are back? Right? How are you? I sooooo, like, totally missed you! emotion_omnomnom
kefkadragon Report | 11/01/2015 4:42 pm
meh, she has a mule and mostly posts in chatterbox now. I'd divorce, but that costs money and I'm lazy/distracted by college work
kefkadragon Report | 11/01/2015 11:10 am
yep, I'm married on a site to an account that has been banned due to some jerk claiming she was hacking.
kefkadragon Report | 11/01/2015 10:59 am
emotion_kirakira the prodigal blond returns
Lockstep Report | 10/31/2015 9:08 am
Awwwh <3 Well it's nice to see you again.

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