[CAiTLEN]'s avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Oklahoma

Birthday: 04/04/1992

Occupation: Photographer

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Ryku-Wolf-Demon Report | 03/01/2008 5:53 am

I've got some hot items at my store.

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Teenaged Bullshit Drama.

It's self explainitory.



All of the below is the EXACT about me on my Myspace page:

My name is Caitlen. Just Caitlen. Not Caity or Cait or Cat. I'm 15 years old and I don't think I'll live to see 30. Infact I mean not to. I'm the girl at school they call the "whore with too much makeup". My friends are all guys and that’s just the way I like it. I only love 5 people and you're probably not one fo them unless you're my mom, Zie, Mat, Ethan, or Jesus. They mean everything to me. Without them I wouldn't be here. I talk on the phone too much and I give my number to too many people. Some people I’ve never even met. Longest time I’ve stayed someone’s friend: 2 years. I normally forget you after a while. That’s just the way things are. I've completely lost myself this year and I'm not going to look for me. Singing in the shower has become a habit. A bad one. I cry over the littlest things like not getting to go to a football game or see my boyfriend. I'm home schooled and I love it. I’m kind of on the “chubby” side but it doesn’t bother me until someone points it out. Yes, I go to church, if you can believe that. I only date white kids or kids that look white. I’m not racist or anything but kids that aren’t white aren’t going to go over well with me. Mat, Cole, and Eric are the only kids that don’t count when it comes to race because they’re half white. I don't want to be the girl you cry over because you're probably not going to be the guy I'll cry over. I don't believe in love at first sight. I dont believe I'll ever fall for someone too quick. Sex? It's a waste a perfect relationship. It tears couples apart. It's not making love... it's making lust. We cheat, we lie, we try to hide it... HURT PEOPLE HURT PEOPLE. If you can understand that.
Quit asking me to be nicer to you. If you want someone to be nice to you, You've got the wrong girl. I think I might kill the next girl that trys to make me feel like crap. I have OCD. I have to shut all the doors, cabnets, shower curtans, and windows before I can leave the house. The volume on anything must end in the number 5 or 0. If your make-up is smudged, I'll fix it. People ask,"Why do you wear you make-up that way?" Well.. it's my mask. My mask to hide me from the world. Sounds a little crazy? Maybe I am. But tell me this: why shouldn't I hide? This world is crazy. Not me.