What can I say about me...

I like gaia, obviously. I miss zomg, prolly for ever. You'll usually find me hanging out in the gcd forum although I tend to lurk more often than not.

I "own" a item guide for the fallen scheme, check it out if you want to know more. I also have a "project fallen" which is my thread for all ideas of conversion to the theme.

From the pics on my profile, you can see what I'm into (still). Hyrule Warriors, Marvel (Stark and Loki are my favs), and Harry Potter (Slytherin 4ever. RIP Mr. Rickman).

Other things to know about me is that I like writing (mostly fanfics, my novel is still under construction), and I'm in the army. September marks the beginning of my 12th year. I joined it to save people; the innocent and the victims from those that have no heart or care for them.

and that's all i got to say for now.

Epic Tea Time with Alan Rickman


I has visitors?

Yum Moon on 05/23/2023
OtakuKat on 11/04/2021
Tsugihara_Kana on 05/29/2021
Good Bean on 03/25/2021
sadb0y on 01/24/2021
aurori18 on 07/31/2020
Tempest Lorelay on 06/05/2020
Kyoku on 12/26/2019
Warzane IV on 09/01/2019
Venomized on 07/08/2019

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Caomhnoir Angel

Hello everybody! Welcome to my piece of the world.