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Captain Jessie Hawk

Captain Jessie Hawk's avatar

Last Login: 07/23/2022 5:29 pm

Registered: 02/21/2005

Gender: Male

Location: Isle de Gambino

Occupation: Pirate King


About the Person behind the Character

Hello everyone out there, and those who already know me. My name is Chris and I am a huge fan of Pirates, not just the movies but the historical significance the subject has on the founding of the new world during it's golden age in the 17-1800's. I have been on Gaia since 2005 though I joined in the summer of 2003. I had not used this account in a while that I had to reactivate it I believe so I have been an active member since 05. Currently I work and am not attending school though I hope to return for a creative writing degree in the near future. I love to write and read. I also love to draw though I do not do it often since my artistic skills are not very good. I have a wonderful girl friend named Lani who I am still trying to get more into Gaia. I also am a cosplayer of only Jack Sparrow at the moment though I am hoping to get a few new costumes under my belt soon. I am thinking of doing the Joker, Predator and Setzer from Final Fantasy VI my favorite of the series.

Character Bio

Name: Drisdril Chaza (Jessie Hawk)
Sex: Male
Age: 57
Race: Drow
History: Born to a low family in the Drow society Kiltiras was the first born of the Males in his homeland, known to his race as the Underdark. His mother was a cruel individual as was his two sisters. The Drow race saw males as inferior beings and only used them for procreation and in their own goals for conquest with in the Underdark. In his years as a student in their academy for fighters he decided it was his time to leave. Leaving his home of the Underdark he made his way up to the world above the caverns of his people. Each year upon his twenty fourth year he stayed at a level slowly adjusting his eye sight to the realm of the surface dwellers. It was upon his entering to the surface and his ability to adapt that Drisdril was cursed by Lolth the spider queen of his people and their Goddess.

Jessie now lives in the realm of Gaia. It was here that he became the Pirate King and united the Pirates of Gaia together under a common goal. What that common goal is the Pirates themselves are still to this day trying to figure out. However lots of adventure and plunder await them at every turn. Expanding their territories to places that the realm of Gaia had never known before until they begun to expand the realm of their territories. The Pirates of Gaia have become a well united agency bent on using events of Gaia to strengthen their number as well as their plunder!

User Image
Total Value: 446,935 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Yama no Tamago 2nd Gen.
Scar of Martyr
Scar of Rogue
Ninja Sword
Jack's Beard
Black Band Style Eye Patch
Stylish Auburn Winter Coat
Brown Vest
Captain Ara's Nestegg 2nd Gen.
Dashing Gentleman Aquamarine Sash
Padmavati's Lotus 6th Gen.
Captain Ara's Nestegg 2nd Gen.
Captain Ara's Nestegg
Captain Ara's Nestegg
Captain Ara's Nestegg
Arrhh!! Boots


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Captains Log

The Captains Log of Captain Jessie Hawk. His accounts are written here for others to tell the legend of the famous pirate captain.

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View All Comments

[Hazy Kasumi] Report | 05/30/2020 9:26 pm
Hey! Good to see you again! Hanging in there--how are you?
Essabell Report | 04/18/2016 10:43 pm
And I am back.
[Hazy Kasumi] Report | 09/30/2014 10:20 am
haha! hi, captain!
Pakaberry Report | 09/29/2014 2:32 pm
Yarr... and all that mumbo jumbo.. in the word of Gaia, who wishes me to enter those below pirate
pink princess of the moon Report | 09/07/2014 10:53 pm
Oh ok. I just got the hair about a month ago to make it complete.It took me a long time to get it. Glad you like the avi.
pink princess of the moon Report | 09/02/2014 10:53 am
Thanks smile this is my 2 av profile. My first one ( which is my main one ) is Princess ariel. I like both characters but didn't want to keep changing my Av between the two. So I just made a 2nd one. How'd you find this one? Did I accidentally post on the alliance thread with this one. LOL
LadyxRaven Report | 03/15/2014 7:13 pm
Hello! How have you been?!
Saka Hirozumi Report | 03/13/2014 8:19 pm
Oh I understand, I hate being poor so I can't go to them all!
Saka Hirozumi Report | 03/13/2014 6:21 pm
There's a s**t ton of cons here in the South... I'm just broke so I can only pick a couple... Still have yet to go to an actual anime con (Ironic enough cause I love mah anime/manga)
But here we have...
Anachrocon, Dragon Con (As you know), Anime weekend Atlanta, Banzai Con, Momo Con, Upstate Steampunk, Triad Anime Con, and Nashi Con are some of the biggest.
Saka Hirozumi Report | 03/13/2014 4:24 pm
Upstate Steampunk is the (Cause I'm a South Carolinian) South Carolina Steampunk con xD
And Anachrocon is North Carolina's equivalent of Dragon Con... Except purely Steampunk. xD


Like my cosplay fan page:
[img:f0478e668d] Online/yb8z3r.jpg[/img:f0478e668d]


zOMG! Kill Count!

This be where me Kill counts with in the realm of Gaia be. Not all my kill counts are up, as ye can see from me badges! However that being said those that I have kept track of are up!

Barton Sewers:
Gramsters: Under 25
Peelunger: Under 25

Village Greens:
Lawn Gnome: ???
Pink Flamingo: ???
Mushroom Cannon: ???

Bill's Ranch
Air Fluff: ??? (I believe around 1,000)
Garlics: 512
Alarmskeeters: ??? (Around 100)

Deadmans Pass
Laceback Bootsnake: (Around 200)
Clutch: (Around 100)
OMG: (Around 75)

Zen Gardens
Cherry Fluff: 1
Taiko Drums: 10
Kokeshi Dolls: 3

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