
CapybaraDisco's avatar

Last Login: 07/22/2024 3:41 pm

Registered: 04/17/2005

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Birthday: 07/01/1991


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amorremanet Report | 03/19/2022 1:06 am
Love your avi! heart
[~Fauna~] Report | 05/02/2019 2:41 am
lol you should try one once..
she's been dead for something like 50 years now but no other author of romance stories can compare to hers
the funny thing about her stories..
you can at times completely forget you're reading a romance novel
and most of her stories only ends when the hero gets to kiss the girl!
Georgette Heyer! emotion_bigheart

ciao cat_wink
[~Fauna~] Report | 05/02/2019 2:33 am
lol yea.. no!
lol i don't have anything like 8000 items.. i can barely manage what i own and it's paltry compared to that!

and it's good that you're improving yourself by having some self control.. you'll live longer for it!
lol i read books but then i guess their all being Georgette Heyer Regency Romances doesn't help connect me to reality much!

and if you ever see a 0 Auction thread.. you can say hello to WW Charity.. crazy rich.. ask her what rich is.. she never got around to telling me! cat_sweatdrop

it's late here Goldie.. i'm afraid i'm gonna hafta leave you soon.. shoulda been in bed over an hour ago! cat_gonk
lol you have a good night though ~ hugs! emotion_yatta
[~Fauna~] Report | 05/02/2019 2:04 am
lol i get you on all accounts now.. ok.. i don't do lite but that's cause i'm lazy that way
if i'm after something.. i'm that gungho about getting her done that i will plan around it..
hey the football game is on!! ~ that's great.. i left the hotwings in the oven for you guys
drinks are in the fridge.. you'll hafta find rest on your own!
but you're missing it ~ uh huh.. it's ok i'm a bit tied up right now!

3 hours would put a crimp in my style..
i push things til the wee hours and then pay for it the next day with only 3 hours sleep!

lol i was talking with someone yesterday night about what rich is around gaia these days
she said she has 40 quadrillion gold and said she isn't rich..
so i don't precisely know what rich is these days myself
but i know my 110bil is less than what most beggars start with! cat_whee
[~Fauna~] Report | 05/02/2019 1:24 am
hun?!! cat_eek
you'd be at least a billionaire with how much LK capsule farming you do?
first off i don't know anything about a capsule there so you'll hafta explain that..
but you also said you'd take weeks to get to trillions and if you're LKing that much..
it should take you only a few hours!

i mean.. i am not dedicated enough to get the very best for my Kin and i can get to a trillion in less than 10 hours..
so you must be doing something really wrong if you play the LK game..
maybe you're playing the Lake Kindred Lite?
but i heard that actually makes money faster than the reg version as there are less animations to wade through.. so i don't get it! cat_stressed
[~Fauna~] Report | 05/02/2019 12:51 am
lol i think you mean 50k plat.. i was down to 1.7k plat just last night and i'm up to 9k now.. just chatting
lol maybe if gaia paid out plat by how many key strokes we put into the forums i'd be a trillionaire!
oooo.. look how long her posts are.. she must be rich! cat_xd

idk your unbeliebow thing.. but if it's hard to get.. i've given up on it and i'll wait for the cheap knock off.. or wait for when they re-re-re-release it again..
almost all my encounters with Mods have been bad.. lol i guess that's to be expected when they're policing the place.. can't say i'm a fan of actual police either..
at least yours let you off with a warning..

i hear some peeps say they were warned 20 times to stop posting their hentai and i say one bad thing about Lanzer and i was banned!
gaia is such a crazy place.. it's no wonder we loonies fill the place! cat_lol
[~Fauna~] Report | 05/01/2019 3:13 am

lol the thing i did that was maybe questionable..
well i already told you that i created extra accts to fish with so i could keep the bait degradation going all day long..
well that means that i had a dozen or more accts..
more like 2 dozen.. *sweat*
but the events would spit something out at us and sometimes we would only get one..
and these items would sometimes sell for 1500g
well if i sold my 1 i wouldn't have one.. but if i have 24 of these i could sell 23 and make 34,000g
well i up'd my accts to 50 to make more..
then in the avi arena i once read that even if we cheated and used 500 mule accts we couldn't fix the game and win
so i tested that to see if they were accurate or just spouting bs
so umm.. shhh.. i had 521 accts
lol lost my main acct 2 years ago so now i'm down to an even 520
but i don't bother using them any more..
i'm resigned to be poor now.. lol
[~Fauna~] Report | 05/01/2019 1:58 am
lol the crazy things we used to do..
remember that gaia had the 15g stuck in forums?
they wanted the gold to degrade to be really low
and peeps would make these quizes and promise millions if you completed them?
lol i was all about the moneys.. din't think towns made much so i avoided them
but i remember trading in all my butterflies to make inks to turn into body dyes
had enough to make the white body dye!
[~Fauna~] Report | 04/30/2019 4:41 pm
lol thanks for the friend request Goldie!! emotion_hug
ya know how i told you that i got bashed for faving a guys avi w/o permission.. so now i always ask before i fav..
well i'd been friends with a guy for ages.. and one day he was talking about his profile.. and i said something bout never gone to see it..
lol i think he pouted for a week that we'd been friends for 3 or 4 years and i'd not even once had enough interest to go look at it..
so nowadays.. i always go look as soon as i've been sent a friend request.. lol so i've looked at your profile.. Adam Young song was nice!! cat_3nodding

i think i might have signed up at gaia either the same month as you did or maybe a month before?
lol spent so much time fishing at Durem pulling out Boulders..
i was so poor and all the collectibles were so expensive..
i fished as much as the first place guys..
but i wasn't after a trophy.. i just wanted my gold to get those crazy expensive things that cost over a million!!
bait degradation made my F bait work like A grade for 2 games then went down to B grade for 3 more..
lol i started making mule accts and i'd pass my Distance Plus Rod from acct to acct and kept pulling out the Boulders!!

but that brings me to something..
it's been some time now that i lost my original acct..
but i think it was affected as well..
all my accts caught some sort of glitch..
there were a few hiccups at first but the only one that's lasted is that i can't send out friend requests from any of my accts
i'm just wondering did you ever have that problem?
i thought it was because gaia had some snaffoo at the time i was making my accts
but if you joined the same month.. i'm wondering if you ever experienced any glitches back then..
lol i know it was 14 years ago.. but think back if you can!! cat_stressed

lol ok.. sorry for the novel sized comment.. thanks again for the friend invite
i still can't send them.. cat_sweatdrop
SWEtea Report | 03/25/2019 4:36 am
Thanks for buying! blaugh