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laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/29/2014 4:56 pm

laura kid







cat_surprised cat_mad cat_neutral
laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/29/2014 4:54 pm

laura kid

if i had like a super mini secret camera at work
i would totes send you pics of the good looking customers


maaaaaaan that wedding speech was SO CUTE HOW CAN YOUR BEST FRIEND NOT THINK IT'S CUTE cat_gonk
i would probs start CRYING 20 seconds into the song if my husband did that for me cat_redface
kinda got to agree with your friend on the looks though.. he isn't.. great looking.. he isn't ugLY but he is cute and sweet and cute looking and cute so doN'T SLAP ME cat_razz

"Ohhh how cute of you to cheer on Adam." emotion_0A0
what's thtat supposed to mean
what happens
WHAT HAPPENS WITH ADAm emotion_facepalm
pfff, you and your weird.. shipping ways..

ALEX 4 LYFFF ~~~ what a cutie

rofl nice buildings
man your class needs to think a bit more come on

i like your percent/truth/dare game more than normal truth/dare lol
at least there's another option besides "who do you like" and "i dare you to tell us who you like"

"Maaaaaaan your questions become harder and harder every time" HAHA DO THEY
so i'm glad you're suffering a tiny bit because of me sweetums ~~~

aw i really liked your answer emotion_kirakira
it was a very nice way to think about it i think
well not nice but a good way to think about the question ya feel ~

omg..well, if i'm just LOOKING at the guy 100% looks emotion_awesome
but no
i get what you mean
i think that for the first bit i know them, it's like 70% looks and 30% personality
but after i've had an acTUAL CONVERSATION, ya know, TALKED TO THEM, then reeaalllyyy quickly goes to something like 65/70% personality and 35/30% looks
i think
but if i like someone i automatically think they're cute looking anYWAY
so if i like your personality
you're automatically cute

Q: what do you think OTHER people think of you? in looks and personality?
laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/29/2014 4:25 pm

laura kid


maaaaaaan that wedding speech was SO CUTE HOW CAN YOUR BEST FRIEND NOT THINK IT'S CUTE cat_gonk
i would probs start CRYING 20 seconds into the song if my husband did that for me cat_redface
kinda got to agree with your friend on the looks though.. he isn't.. great looking.. he isn't ugLY but he is cute and sweet and cute looking and cute so doN'T SLAP ME cat_razz

"Ohhh how cute of you to cheer on Adam." emotion_0A0
what's thtat supposed to mean
what happens
WHAT HAPPENS WITH ADAm emotion_facepalm
pfff, you and your weird.. shipping ways..

ALEX 4 LYFFF ~~~ what a cutie

rofl nice buildings
man your class needs to think a bit more come on

i like your percent/truth/dare game more than normal truth/dare lol
at least there's another option besides "who do you like" and "i dare you to tell us who you like"

"Maaaaaaan your questions become harder and harder every time" HAHA DO THEY
so i'm glad you're suffering a tiny bit because of me sweetums ~~~

aw i really liked your answer emotion_kirakira
it was a very nice way to think about it i think
well not nice but a good way to think about the question ya feel ~

omg..well, if i'm just LOOKING at the guy 100% looks emotion_awesome
but no
i get what you mean
i'm guessing we're talking about actually being interested in someone?
when i first see a guy, it's like 70% looks 30% attitude/personality
but once i talk to someone and get to know them, it's more like 65% personality and 35% looks, maybe 70/30
because if i don't like talking to someone, pretty quickly i just won't like looking at them (even if i admit they're good looking, it's not ENJOYABLE good looks omg hhhahhaha)
basically if i ever like someone personality is what got them there, not their looks
because if i like someone, i tend to think they're cute anyway, even if i didn't to begin with

but i will tell you something
i've never properly liked someone so cat_razz

Q: what do you think OTHER people think of you? in both looks and personality and anything else you can think of that fits in?
laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/28/2014 3:04 pm

laura kid

LOL poor bby prince
yup, i'm afraid you're not the only one who likes mcfly, there are a ton of other girls screaming, haha.
have you seen the one where he sings at the wedding? so SWEET cat_cry cat_whee

dude i like kenji he's a sweetie pateetie (the sweetie edition of cutie patootie, ya feel?)
well i have ordered unravel me so hopefully it gets here soon
i promise i'll give you live updates about the feels ~~~~
but really, with juliette, what are the chances.. she's one of the FEW people that have these power things, and her childhood hero/crush/whatever, adam, is supa cute, and then SHE'S supa cute and it's just like... not fair. i'm such a brat lol

yeah i'm not a big fan of discussing religion rofl
i don't mind but personally i think that it shouldn't be such a public debate thing
for me, it's personal...?
but writing down ''no religious beliefs'' does make sense ngl
because there is a lot of.. fighting.. because people won't let other people believe what they want to OTL

i've never seen one, but if i'm ever bored.. i will take you up on that suggestion ahhahah

A: hmm... if i could do something differently, i think it would be to be more confident in who i am.
like, when i was younger (13/14..? around then, and for a while afterwards and before, too) instead of trying to be more comfortable with being quiet, i would try and change myself and try and be louder to fit in.
so what i'm trying to say is, i wish i had just been happier with being quiet and not tried to change myself.
i basically took the long way around to finaalllyyy starting to be happy about being a quiet person.

////full of cheese

p.s. i just realised that wasn't a yes/no question THANKS for not sticking to the rules butt face
love ya really emotion_yatta

Q: what are you looking forward to in your life? (so, not just a new book coming out, or seeing a friend again, but... in your whooollleee life, what are you looking forward to?)
laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/27/2014 3:56 pm

laura kid

omg i remember when i was idk like.. 11.. or something, WHO KNOWS, and every girl in my class was obsessed with mcfly lol

dat loser emotion_kirakira

hahhahhah no BUT I DO LIKE THE MAIN CHARACTERS i'm not TOTALLY obsessed with a minor character.. leave me alone.. redface
yeah i've heard that the second book is better from a couple of other people too?
so i'm gonna go buy that (stinkin' library doesn't HAVE IT grr grrr emotion_zombie ) soon

there was one thing i didn't like tho
why is, like, everyone good looKING??? i swear it kinda gets on my nerves
like 'oh, adam, so good looking'
'oh, juliette, y u so sexy psycho girl'
'oh, warner, so mean but daaaaaamn that face'

but yes i liked it thanks for bullying me into reading it
love u 4evaa

whatevz, i'm going to call you prince because i can spell that.. cat_razz

i think that caring about what other people thinks is something that goes away as you get older
it doesn't completely go away, but it gets easier.. i think

i... hide stuff from parents quite a lot redface
not like.. biiiiiiggg things.. but stuff that i should probably tell them
i think some of the bigger things i hide from them is stuff like my opinion on things..
it's hard to explain
like, i hide what i think of religion (my mum and dad have very different views about it aaaa so i don't reallt want to bring it up tbh, although i'll have to at some point argh)
i hide a lot of the stuff that happens in my everyday life, about my problems like.. if i'm having a problem with someone at work, i don't really tell them.. i just keep it to myself to deal with alone
i don't like telling them about problems tbh
so sometimes i'm really sad.. and i won't tell them why
it's really stupid
but i don't like making a big deal out of stuff

sorry, i don't have one super mega secret i'm hiding lol

Q: do you cry a lot?
laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/25/2014 1:12 pm

laura kid

oh yeah that was super CUTE redface
i swear, those fletchers always doing cutie patootie videos

ok i think i need to read clockwork angel thing books OTL
aaaaaaa it's so fun to read cat_whee
i will tell you more when i've actually read more.. i haven't read a lot but heeeeehahaha makes it giggle like all the time

rofl lmao you were pheektan in my phone up until a week ago SORRY
i changed it to prince tho
and i find it weirder calling you emily because i knew prince first
i swear you didn't tell me your name was emily you POO FACE cat_razz

"I hate when babies cry they re very annoying"
i#m never gonna ship my baby to you to look after with THAT attitude just sayin' cat_question

Q: Are you holding on to something/someone that you need to let go of?
A: uh.. i don't think so
sometimes i hold on to people/things i never even had in the first place tho
i like the IDEA of things tbh more than i like the actual thing
which is
very bad cat_stressed
it's not fair on anyone tbh and i want to stop doing it
there are a couple of people at the cinema job that i don't want to say goodbye to, but not even because we're close, just because i like the IDEA of them which is really stupid
idk how to explain it man emotion_facepalm

Q: do you like yourself?
//////gettin' deep emotion_dealwithit
laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/21/2014 3:15 pm

laura kid

exuse me have u seen this
it is full of cute

laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/20/2014 4:10 pm

laura kid

omg i just want to go to uni already
i visited exeter the other day
can't remember if i've already told u
well if i have you're getting it AGAIN sorry not sorry ~~

yeah it was nice there
between exeter and york
and idk man i'm just looking forward to not going to freaking mcdonald's and the cinema to WORK hghnnnghhghghghhghhhh i just want to get away from this thing MAN SERIOUSLY

even though i will probably have like 5000000 embarrassing/awkward stories
at least it will be different from this right now
because seriously i've only been working at both jobs for about 4 months
and i can't wait to get out of there omg
i suck
i'm a horrible person
but honestly i just want to meet some different people cat_sweatdrop
the people at work are okay
there are a few i actually like
but na
i want OUT
i'll keep in touch with a few of them
but the rest NA BYE BYE HISS HISS HISSSSSSSSSSS cat_surprised

why am i like this emo

//////rant over

i'm just tired of a lot of stuff
laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/20/2014 2:06 pm

laura kid

dude if they're hot i stare at them and forget to smile at them lmao

fyi yea man i DO own over 50 books ~~~ so freakin' awesome

but if ol' westwick is reading it.. you're probably gonna get distracted and start giggling like ALL the time because you can't concentrate cat_surprised

like.. 80% of the time i'm talking to myself
that's a pretty high percentage PRINCE OMG
oh no you don't suck emo U JUST GOTTA BELIEVE
hey have you seen lego movie? that is some inspirational stuff right there

A: no
idk how to feel about this lol
but yeah the answer is no

ummmm do you think you're a good person?
not just a not-bad person, but actually a GOOD person who goes out of their way to do good stuff? lmao idk
laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/17/2014 2:58 pm

laura kid

oh wait i can't remember
do you watch
laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/17/2014 2:52 pm

laura kid

hhahahha bethonalia airlines would be pretty confused if they knew that their blog was chosen for this y'all cat_razz

"...more social awkward < honest speech right here" LOL thanks for that sweetums cat_wink

yea those questions weren't too good pfff
'would you smile at a stranger'
uh... ya
(well you: uh... na)

Do you own over 30 books?
yeah boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
i want more cat_mad

um in percent how much do you talk to yourself? emotion_yatta
laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/09/2014 1:27 pm

laura kid

laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/09/2014 1:27 pm

laura kid

the only time i really write in my diary is when i'm really angry or upset pfff, when i'm really happy i don't really feel like writing stuff down cat_razz

////who da frick is jeremy sumpter
////googles jeremy sumpter
///lmao straight to images
///stays on images for rest of life cat_smile

hhahahhHAHHAHHAHhhahhaha i'm so not good at making decisions
you know i made the decision to tell them i was quitting today
did not do it
oo poo
User Image

hahahha aw but that's actually quite cute, it would make a cute love story i swear
but then again i think literally everything would make a good love story
"how did u guys meet"
"oh i was just in the toilet doing my business when a hand comes under the door asking for some toilet paper, of course i gave him some straight away hehe! after that we flushed the toilet at the same time, it was like fate! after that we clicked straight away!"
"aww so sweet"
emotion_yatta what even am i on about

ooohh the book thief emotion_kirakira
i'm watching it right now.. illegally... ninja
oh man you've got to love rudy he's such a sweetieeeeeeeeeee
and dude liesel's hAIR for one thing zoo wee mama i'd like a wig of that

hahhahha trust you to name the best thing about school as being hot guys rofl

man i hate this whole 'likes' business
i don't care, it doesn't make you popular if you have 145 likes and you have like 3000 friends, that's like.. less than 10% of your friends liking it jeez
that's right
laura knows what's up
doing the maths and that

hahhaa i always used to pass notes to friends in school, i still have some cat_razz

47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
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it's a problem
i seriously replay every awkward moment it's so bad i ahte it OTL OTL
like today... i was awkward.. as usual.. and now it just pops in my head like every 10 minutes and i have to stop what i'm doing for a bit to cope with the flashback
it wasn't even that awkward! cat_scream
i'm so mad at myself hmph

48. Were you single over the last summer?
stop asking me single questions
the answer is yes
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learn how to write short comments would ya laura

laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/08/2014 2:13 pm

laura kid

pfffffff i know look at me changing my clothes emotion_awesome

idk just like.. writing stuff
kinda like a journal i guess? it helps
even if half the stuff is too creepy to write down emotion_yatta
hahahhahha i'm not actually that creepy i promise emotion_donotwant
it's on this it's cool for a lazy person like me y'allllll

nope i get paid the same at both jobs
i actually want to quit both, but for different reasons
i don't like owrking at the cinema, i dread going there every time i have to work and even though i will miss seeing the people there, i really don't like working there and idk i just think i should just quit since i'm not happy there. it'd be different if i needed the job/money a lot, but i don't so since i have a choice i want to quit.
i keep changing my mind though OTL i want to quit, i just don't know when. in some ways i'll regret it, i know i will, but i think it's better than staying for me. emotion_facepalm

"but lets not get futher more into it" emotion_awesome
are u like the class hottie livin' it up in the maths dept emotion_awesome
but.. i guess they aren't cute, then.. emo otherwise you wouldn't not want to talk about it emo

world war z emotion_kirakira and now the book thief emotion_kirakira

41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?
no emotion_donotwant

42. Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
ummm well in a lot of ways it is
but in obvious respects it isn't
like two years ago i was at school
and now i'm not in school at all, i'm working at mcdonald's and at a cinema cat_surprised
and.. idk.. i still have the same best friends, but i also know a lot of different people now um
but overall it's pretty much the same since nothing major has changed imo

43. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
hmm.. i'm gonna go for my best friend since she's at uni
and idk, i guess watching a film, eating food and talking about stupid stuff cat_razz

laura kid's avatar

Report | 03/07/2014 12:13 pm

laura kid

hey i miss talking to you! cat_cry
//says the person who didn't reply to the last comment//

so i'm gonna talk to you on here because i don't like typing on my phone OTL
look how lazy i still am emotion_kirakira

seriously, snapchat.. pff.. i only use it for you and my best friend and that's only coz she bullied me into it pfffffff

35. Did you have a dream last night?
pretty sure i did.. i remember thinking about it in the morning because i was confused if it actually happened.. but i can't remember what it was so ye

36. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?
na i don't tell anyone everything
but there are a couple of people who i COULD if i wanted to but i never want to so see ya later losers emotion_zombie

37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
that seems like a way too short time imo for me to find someone i'd want to spend the rest of my life with
but then again never say never
how old would i be.. about 23?

hey guess what!
i've started writing a bit
i know everyone says it, but writing stuff down does actually help me feel a lot better since i've been feeling quite crappy recently

also guess what!
i think i'm gonna quit my job soon, the cinema one not mcdonald's
i can't remember if i've told you
but yeah idc i want to quit
but i keep changing my mind
overall i want to quit, but i feel like i should stay.. so basically i WANT to quit, but i don't want to want to quit
laura kid's avatar

Report | 02/20/2014 4:04 pm

laura kid

gonna leave you hangin' because i'm going to disappear

this was a nice 3 minute visit from laura, no?

laura kid's avatar

Report | 02/20/2014 4:03 pm

laura kid

lol wellllllllll someone's a bit sASSY TODAY emotion_awesome

hhahahhahhah i love that video OTL

whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy must it make me cry

laura kid's avatar

Report | 02/20/2014 4:00 pm

laura kid

31. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?


but i don't have anyone of any sex that i can tell everything to
or maybe i don't
but i choose not to
too bad

32. Do you like watching scary movies?
kind of... yes and no... but mostly...no...but yes
i like WATCHING them
it's the bit after when i can't get to sleep that i don't like OTL

33. Are you a jealous person?
yeah i think i am tbh ngl

gonna leave the next one to you (34) because it's too hARD
laura kid's avatar

Report | 02/20/2014 3:58 pm

laura kid

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have you seEN THIS

Potetbart's avatar

Report | 02/18/2014 5:57 am


Takk ^-^
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