
So, by looking in this box, I am rashly assuming you wish to learn about me, so thats what you are going to get. Have you ever noticed how many profiles seem to have rather weird 'about me' boxes, and that often people call themselves weird in these boxes? That always annoyed me. People don't know the meaning of the word 'normal'. But I digress. I am writing in this box out of pure self-indulgence, and thats what you are here for, and look at me rambling on about other people! But what to tell? My name is... Not something I am in the habit of putting on the internet, sorry. My specific addres... oh damn, can't tell you that either. My personality? Kind, thoughtful, considerate, wise, clever... just great, all-in all. No problems in that departement. And where there isn't a problem, why bother thinking about it? So there's no reason for you to examine my personality Oo.

Things that I like? Happiness. Think that nicely covers everything.

Things that I don't like? Bloody Michael Bay! I could probably think of a worse director... Bad Boys was alright. *pointed absence of Movie* Oh, wait a minute, he isn't going to read this. TRANSFORMERS IS WARM DOODEE. *shot of Michael Bay looking at his computer screen and crying quietly*

Have you noticed how people like to think up an animal, and then repeatedly reference that animal in sigs and little scrawls on the schoolwork? The classic one is a 'kitty', although I suppose a kitten isn't specifically an animal. Although, there is only one animal it could possibly refer to, so that holds up. Sheep is another one. For a freind of mine, its Emus and Guinny pigs. I ask you, 'whats up with that?' Its like, someone came up with the origional archetype of 'referencing animals in various written and visual formats, someone picked up on it because, you know, kitties are kind of cute an' all, and now its sweeping the entire bloody planet. Personally, I'm bored of it.

Here's another archetype. I will call it 'Internet cutespeak' its doing this:

"lolz I think im bitzy sleepy tiredup. seeyaz tomuz, and YAYZ KITTIES *sleepy*"

Characterised by overuse of the letter 'Z', this style of writing is also pretty annoying - not quite annoying enough to talk about...except I'm doing it here... But this box is for ego tripping anyway. Where was I? Oh, yes! People are kind of annoying. They're very 'sheepish', that is, they have a herd mentality. Hey, don't look at me - or rather you're computer screen, you strange person - like that, I do it as well. Its just annoying, thats all. Take some criticism. This is my ego-trip box anyway, go get your own.

Where was I? Oh, I see, I've finished what I was saying. Maybe I should think up something else t Oh, Yes.

Have you looked at peoples hobbies on their pages? There's a lot of 'Anime-drawing'. Which I like. but I wonder whether people should do other things as well? Or maybe they only think to write 'anime' in their hobbies box... hmm. Oh, God! that reminds me.I've got to think of that film...that jap-an thing that I saw the other night but don't...Princess Monoko! Was it called Princess Monoko? Ah! I've just remembered that I've written it down somewhere, so I won't forget, but I can't remember where I wrote it down... The wall in my room! Hold on-
It's Princess Mononoke! Now that is a ******** Awesome Film, Capital Letters All Round. The scenery was just... Owdar, If your reading this, you can add it to your mental list of movies I'm forcing you to watch. Give that to your potato men and make them smoke it. Don't have time for movies indeed. Philistine! Oh, and add all of the other ones on my list of favorite movies... Oh, Bugger, I've got to add Princess Mononoke to the list before I forget what the name isOh no wait, I seem to be writing down everything I think, so the name of the movie is in here. Maybe I'll write it in anyway. Hold on.

And another thing, Owdar, You seem to have written 'Kingdom of Heaven' In your list of favorite movies, confirming my suspicion that your...unnatural lack of movie-watchingness has seriously damaged you. I demand you remove it instantly!

Well, as far as 'about me' sections go, I think theres enough here to conduct a fairly sizeable psychological investigation and Oh, my Sweet Hypothetical Lord, I've forgotten the Works of Roald Dahl. Hold On-
Maybe I should stop writing. Except... I can't... There!

Oh, yes, one or two other things
1. All comments welcome, including angry/upset/whiney little/justifyably annoyed theists (its always the theists, when am I going to piss off an Atheist...maybe I should make that my 'quest'...)
2. Yes, Owdar, I have watched Kingdom of Heaven, and I can confirm it is decicedly mediocre. Although I thought the leper King was fantastic. Watch more movies! Everyone! Now! ...



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/21/2008 3:46 pm


hey i like ur avi...your about me box is interesting

it is refreshing to have someone on here is so honest since everyone else has to lie about themselves

pm me sometime if you want

Report | 01/04/2008 8:05 am


I came here to comment that I like your name, well, your avi's name, but I was entertained by your soapbox as well.

Report | 10/20/2007 12:42 pm


Ah, how have you been? I hope that life is treating you well.

(It seems I'm falling out of favor with friends of mine so, I'm re-doubling the effort to re-connect with them.)

Report | 10/06/2007 10:35 pm


Princess Mononoke was all right when compared to some of Miyazaki's other works. Head and shoulders above a lot of this filth, though.

Gaia Online is the unofficial North American teenage anime capital of the internet.

Not really much else to say in response to your profile User Image
Miss Flamingo

Report | 10/06/2007 6:31 pm

Miss Flamingo

I read your post on god in the forums, and I think that you're a very intellegent person who poses and excellent argument. Congratulations on that. ^^
Fairytale Rebel

Report | 10/06/2007 1:53 am

Fairytale Rebel

User Image

Careful! Don't let it stew for too long- it could be dangerous...
SIash Ex

Report | 09/22/2007 7:47 am

SIash Ex

Let me just say, as a reasoning human-being, that I am pleased with your existence. You command a degree of literacy and intelligence that is oft not seen anywhere in today's world. Despite the fact that I myself believe in a God figure I have no trouble reading, and thoroughly appreciating, your forum. You sir, are a rare find and I salute you for it.

Report | 09/16/2007 9:11 pm


Well, it seems that you got a christian to comment on your page...You just need the exact opposite now. Best of luck with that 'quest' of yours...oh, and was Kingdom of Heaven truly just mediocre? What do you think of Children of Man?
The Savage Poster

Report | 09/09/2007 1:07 am

The Savage Poster

I'm sorry your outlook on the Lord is so bleak, and I pray you change your mind on your conclusions. He loves you anyway, man.

Report | 09/08/2007 8:26 pm


Dear gawd...O___Olll

THAT is a loooooong 'about me' section!! And people tell me mine is long...*tsk, tsk* Hmm...well, I had expected more hate comments on your profile, but amazingly...there was but one that I cared to read, since it did not require me clicking anything. People seem to like you...and I have to agree, that as long as we stay on your good side you are a companionable conversationalist.

I see that you have limited friends. Picky are we? Haha, well, I hope you do not mind if I send you a request.


'"Shut up", He explained'