The White and Minty

Whee so much blank space 8D

Let's see, I'm a first generation Korean with a love for fantasy and shonen manga. I never go watch movies (due to lack of time) or TV at all for that matter.

Also I am an anime fan but not an anime nerd. I am incapable of following a series without stopping in the middle (i.e. Naruto, Bleach, DN, etc.) if they are too long.

I write original fiction, and also am planning to draw manga based on said original fiction. I can be found as Kano Aegnor on Fictionpress and, and as Cathselprime on dA.

I think I'm the only D/R fan here. Being the only person in a fandom isn't a nice feeling =< that I start writing, I find that there's nothing for me to write about myself >.>;; blank space gone to waste >.<