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Briana W.

Cearbear18's avatar

Registered: 02/12/2011

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/18


Everyday Life: 2/28/2011

You never know what you got till its gone. Never take the little things in life to lightly. You could regret it some time down the road and wonder, "Did I have something as great as that stand by my side and I did nothing more than walk over it like some worn dirty rug." Then, right then and there you will realise what you truly had.

Has this ever happend to you?

Where you lose something or someone of value but you don't realise that till after there gone--out of your life for good.

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-NeverShouNever- Report | 02/18/2011 8:50 pm
HEY CUZ dramallama llama lol


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Project Willis

Story--Rating: T. Category: Aliens vs. Predators.


Briana W.