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cecily68 Report | 11/10/2007 9:18 am
it's ok im sorry too
Deadly_Innocence63 Report | 08/22/2007 5:59 pm
hey...remember me...idk if u do but if u do then hi and im sorry for bein mean to u when we met in town....*emberesed laugh* =^_^='' User Image
cecily68 Report | 06/17/2007 7:23 am
I am soooo bored you know guys
cecily68 Report | 06/17/2007 7:23 am
Ok then, thank you very much for signing my comment thing! lool
cutegwen Report | 05/28/2007 8:11 pm
hey i like your dress make up.
and ovcors your profile.
hey you want table,200.000.00,make up.
if you want 200.000.00 you will give me an 2dress ok.
any kind of dress ok.
cecily68 Report | 05/26/2007 4:36 am
jy wy wot ev ur nme iz wot ya sayin hahaha bout? deres nuffin 2 laff at. derr
jy_king Report | 05/15/2007 12:17 pm
ha ha ha
cecily68 Report | 05/07/2007 6:51 am
Well if you were offended then i am sorry, though you didn't understand what i said properly because i said nothing abpout you looking stupid! and i will send you a pm and tell you what i actually said. Would you just stop leaving rude messages on my profile and i don't know why you keep on bothering me when i said just leave me alone. plz. and if you don't want to take my apology then that's your loss and your fault, i will also be waiting for an apology and if you don't i take my apology back.
badbaby243 Report | 05/06/2007 2:01 am
lol r u talkin bout me if u r that is not tru dun lie u always lie ..
and i dun do anything 2 u u started it by sayin my avi looks so stupid an everything and
ur the one that is bein mean 2 me so dun go telin ppl that am bein mean.
cecily68 Report | 05/05/2007 1:13 am
I am going to report her because she is rude and bitchy when i did nothing to her, she was saying about how she would hit me and crack my blooding ******** skull if i didn't leave her alone when i wasn't even speaking to her! i don't speak to people that don't look good like her she has no fashion sense! that's why i hate her!

