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cellohero's avatar

Last Login: 04/29/2024 12:43 am

Birthday: 12/23


Bonjour, my name is Chance. I am currently 13. The first thing you should know is that I play the cello. I love my cello. This is my 4th year playing but I dont suck. The next thing you should know is that about 10 months ago I fell in love with a girl named Rachel. It started with a friend request from a total stranger. I thought she seemed interesting so I accepted. I wasnt looking for love but I sure did find it. She's amazing The only problem is that there are 1400 miles separating us. We haven't met in person yet but we're both empaths so we have no problem connecting and feeling close. I am also half asian. My other half is just a big jumble of different races. One of those little piece of genetics is french. I am trying to learn as much french as I can before I learn it in school. I'm fairly athletic. Uh, I'm left handed... and... I like to build and improve stuff I find. Hmm, I know everything about Avatar (the animated series) just because. If you wanna know anything else just ask me or Rachel (AngelicRamen). I'll answer almost any question anybody asks. I'm not shy. I'm sorry if I typed too much. I got carried away.


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loverabies80s Report | 10/05/2010 5:32 pm
It is! But killjoys abound and give you weird looks when you burst into random song and/or dance. Bet they're just jealous.
say-sayonara-ara Report | 10/04/2010 7:21 pm
There's no orchestra at my school. Just a band and chorus. I'm in the chorus. whee It's good that you have a good teacher though. ;D I kind of hate my teacher...but oh well. did yours really make you bleed?! :O
say-sayonara-ara Report | 10/03/2010 11:00 am
That's cool! ;D My last one had a huge giant spike at the end and I've scratched my floor way too many times to count...=/ Are you self taught or do you take lessons? I mainly take lessons but I wish I could do stuff myself, since it's so structured and classical..I like jazz better, I think.
say-sayonara-ara Report | 10/01/2010 5:44 pm
I'm 14. I just now got my full size. It's so pretty, like bright red and stripy. whee
say-sayonara-ara Report | 09/29/2010 5:07 pm
Do you enjoy it? lawlz it can be rough sometimes. Like, I'm working on this annoying quartet thingy and it makes my head spin. D:
loverabies80s Report | 09/27/2010 8:44 pm
Bet I've got weirder musical tastes. I like genuinely like songs others listen to ironically/laugh at. Like Final Countdown. But at least I don't randomly burst into song like my dad. Most of the time.
loverabies80s Report | 09/23/2010 12:48 am
Maybe you meant to comment back on someone else? The last thing I commented you was asking how many videos you get on the playlist you're using. No worries 8^)
loverabies80s Report | 09/12/2010 9:42 pm
Cool playlist. How many vids you get on it?
say-sayonara-ara Report | 09/10/2010 2:38 pm
I play cello too! I don't really know anyone who plays cello my age...I'm 14. mrgreen
AngelicRamen Report | 08/27/2010 12:20 pm
So i woke up in a hospital
bed. Scared because I couldn't move, I asked the doctor "What's
going on?" He said "You don't remember? It all happened at school."
He told me"Your friend had a problem with some people at school and
was almost shot - you jumped in front of them and took .........the...
... ...bullet yourself. Lucky you didn't.............die.You're going to
be ok, so don't worry. " Now I think to myself '' I'm happy I took
that bullet for you, because it would've hurt even more to see you
lying in this hospital bed." Send this to 3 guys and 5 girls you
would take a bullet for...

My Quote

"It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" by Anonymous


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All of my friends, I regret to inform you I have moved on. I'm not dead. I got a facebook. I'm never on gaia anymore, but I'm always on facebook. So... here I am