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ll Trouble II Report | 06/27/2010 2:45 pm
ll Trouble II
Oh my god Chance. It's been absolute ages since we've talked, right?

xD What have ya been up to? Hurry up and get online xD Lmao.
See ya smile
ll Trouble II Report | 12/26/2009 1:23 pm
ll Trouble II
Lmao, I went because.... Well I felt like it biggrin

And it was GREAT. I lovveedd it so much :]

How about you?
xx MATSURI xx Report | 12/18/2009 8:35 pm
Dude, when ISN'T Emily a douche?? Did you know that before Andrew got rediagnosed, she was being a b***h to him and after he got rediagnosed, she was sucking up to him and he reallllllly didn't like her?!!!!!!! That was back in the day when me and that b***h were friends, and whenever I talkied about her, him and Omi would be like SHE'S A DOUCHER!!! Ahahaha. And she's totally just copyin everything I do... I'm gunna beat her ugly rat face into a wall!!! She spreads so many rumors about me... UGH! And she lies about everythin. She says her mom beats her which isn't true and MY mom is gunna talk to her mom about it soon... Heheheheheeeee!!!

You better come to Buck on TUesday, me Blake and Cody are snowboarding
xx MATSURI xx Report | 12/04/2009 4:54 pm
Thanks Chancey poo!!! I love you tonsies <3

I'm always here for you too
xx MATSURI xx Report | 11/21/2009 3:17 pm
... Then say nothing, Chance. I'll... I'm gunna be okay. I promise. Alright? *touching the side of your face* Everything is going to be all right. *slight smile* I'm not scared
Kyle BEK Report | 11/16/2009 5:01 pm
Kyle BEK
But of course! She hasn't told you yet?? From what she's told me, his name is Nic (I don't know if she's means NICK or if it's just some randomly spelt name) but that's him. And apparently she can't get over him.

Hahahaha, get used to it, it's LOVE, Chance, LOOOOVE hahahahha
ll Trouble II Report | 08/12/2009 4:37 am
ll Trouble II
Awww its ok :]
Im not on either. I just came back from Germany xD
ll Trouble II Report | 06/15/2009 2:10 pm
ll Trouble II

Well. I hope we're On at the Same time lmao xD
xx MATSURI xx Report | 06/14/2009 9:00 pm

xx MATSURI xx Report | 06/14/2009 8:54 pm
*turns red* *bites lip*

No, I haven't told him... ME SCAREDDDD *whimper* He's too perfect for me anyway >.<

Me and my friends

Chance BEK's avatar


Hey, what's up? I'm Chance. I'm 16 years old. I like to hang with my friends, skateboard, and play the guitar. I'm in a band as the guitars and vocals. We mess around a lot, but when we get our work done, it's pretty awesome and totally worth the time. My friend Kyle died in a car accident last year. Me and Kevra (xx MATSURI xx) are still bawlin over it. The three of us do everything together. We gave Kyle's gaia account to Kevra's friend, Matt. He's pretty awesome, and she must feel that he's worthy of sorta... Takin Kyle's place (thought that's pretty much impossible.) So, yeah, drop me a comment sometime. Later!


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Chancey Poo

I think this journal is going to be about whatever is going on. Updates on me and Aid and Suri...things like that. BUt then again, thigs are always more fun when theyre NOT planned....


-it makes me feel dangerous-

Kasumi BEK
Kyle BEK
ll Trouble II