
My Dream AVI

User Image
Total Value: 15,818 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Coal Gunner Hat have it
Benny the Puppy have it
Black Heart Face Tattoo have it
Baby Chicky have it
Red FLEX Top have it
Coal Gunner Coat have it
Coal Gunner Boots have it
Black Gunner Pants have it

Im Brandon, Im a normail every day kinda person.
I Love sports, Football, Baseball, Basketball and track.

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Hasel or how ever u spell it

Hair Color: Dark brown

Height: 6'1

weight: 194

Overused Phraze: betch, or deck


Fruit: Cheerys

Candy: Payday

Number: 12

Color: Blue

Animal: Couger

Drink: ROOT BEER!!!

Sport: Baseball


Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi

McDonalds or BurgerKing: none

Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon

Hot tea or Ice tea: ice tea

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

Kiss or Hug: Both

Dog or Cat: Dog

Rap or Punk: Rap

Summer or Winter: Winter

Scary Movies or Funny Movies: BOTH

Love or Money: Love


Bedtime: Don't have one

Most Missed Memory: Don't have one

Best Friends: Hayden, Hunter, Trynt

Weakness: Getting kicked in the balls ( x_x )

Fears: Sharks

Embarassing momment: When I crashed in front off girls

Thing to do: Besides sports I guess wiffle ball idk

Favorit Object: I don't know

Favorit tv show: MTV 2

Heritage: American


Ever Drank: sorta

Ever Smoked: No

Pot: Nop

Ever been Drunk: no

Ever been beaten up: sorta

Ever beaten someone up: kinda they broke us up

Ever Shoplifted: No

Ever Skinny Dipped: no

Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Yes

Been Dumped Lately: no


Number of Regrets in the Past: To many

Been to the Mall Lately: no

Do you like Thunderstorms: kinda

Get along with your Parents: sorta

Health Freak: sorta

Do you think your Attractive: Yes!!!!

Believe in Yourself: Yeah

Want to go to College: Yeah

Shower Daily: Yes!!

Been in Love: sorta

Do you Sing: NOOOO!!!

Want to get Married: Yes

Do you want Children: yea

Have your future kids names planned out: no

Do you hate anyone: no