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Hell9, and welc9me! I w9uld like t9 take this time t9 intr9duce myself. I am Kankri Vantas, and 6ef9re I m9ve any further, I believe it w9uld 6e an appr9priate time t9 discuss warnings t9 any pr9blematic t9pics that may be underway. Granted, I will 6e careful in my w9rds and 6e wary 9f as many p9ssi6le triggers s9 as t9 n9t distur6 any9ne. Understanda6ly, there may 6e circumstances that a warning d9es n9t appear and f9r that I w9uld like to ap9l9gize in advance. P9ssible triggers including, 6ut n9t limited t9:#a6leist slurs, #vulgar language, #9ffensive.