
About me
I love to roleplay and chit-chat with my friends. Be warned, I'm literate, and I don't like extremely illiterate people.... I'm about 5'2", well I was the last time I checked, and I weigh 110 pounds. I have dirty blonde hair and I turned 16 in April. My favorite colors are purple and black, my least favorite color is orange. Though I am not exactly sure why, I don't hate it but it's not my favorite. I am an adopted child and I love my family dearly. Being adopted makes me feel special sometimes, because my mother and father saw something in me that they loved, and picked me out of all of the other kids at the orphanarium, and took me into their happy family ^-^. I'm generally a nice person, but if I get angry, I suggest you just back off for a little while... ( Don't believe me? Just ask _Im_Not_Listening_ , He knows me in real life, and he has made me angry once.... lets say he learned his lesson... xD ) Right now, I am not ccompletly sick...

About my gaian online status
Well it's summer break! Yippie! So I'll be on every day and I mean EVERY day, lol. But hey, it's summer break so I'm going to sleep in, duh. I usually log on at about 12:00 ( All times are eastern standard times so yeah...) maybe before and I won't log out until say about 5:00 AM.... yeah that sounds about right. I may get off for an hour or two occasionally to take breaks get snacks, go to the bathroom, the things that must be done. I work from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM usually, sometimes I'll work over and take other peoples shifts, and then I don't get home until about 10:00 PM. But there are some days where I'll work for a shorter amount of time.

About me and Gaia
Roleplaying is pretty much all I do. And the more I do it, the better at it I become. My friend, who can't roleplay at all because he lacks the strong mind to think up complicated detailed paragraphs to describe a charaters feelings and actions, asks me 'How do you get better at roleplaying????' so I answered him 'Well, when you roleplay often your passages grow stronger because of the people you are roleplaying with. And your skill just builds and builds...' Short, simple, and to the point, pretty good I think. I will occasionally pop into the Chatterbox, or the General Disscussion, maybe the exchange to see what people are selling. I also PM alot, I like to PM people, though I mainly PM people who I have met previously and enjoy talking too. Heres a hint... Don't mess with my friends >:0 !! And I won't get angry, my friends are very important to me and their on my friendlist for very good reasons. It takes ALOT to get on my friends list, you have to really blow me away if I invite you to mine or I accept yours. So no random friend requests saying ' But ur so cool!!!' NO! NO! NO! Illiterate+Rynn=BAD. So if you've roleplayed with me and I enjoyed it, them bam instant friendlist. Now that I think of it.... alot of the people are on my friendlist because I either know them in real life, or have some connections with my other friends... The only worthy people on my friendlist are GunnerBlaster and dieingimmortal... weird... _Im_Not_Listening_ and ~DAManTravis~ Are real life friends and BabyPixie and Bandgeek713 both know me thorought ~DAManTravis~ Weird...
But yes, like all people, or most, I have a quest avatar and as of right now I'm questing for the were tail, which in the market place I saw it for about 18,000-20,000 gold. So I got some saving to do, but it is very possible for me to get that much, with all of the roleplaying I do. O.o

My Profile
I like to answer questons people have about me, unless there too personal of course, so if you just so happen to have run into me somewhere and like to ask me something, leave me a comment in my profile asking the question then I will answer it. The answer will also be in my profile so check back! HAHA Good way to make you visit my profile more than need be! >=) *Evil Laugh*

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Avatar art for CherryColaXP
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Viewing 7 of 7 friends


Kathrynn's Jornal for Boredness....

Lets see here, how to describe such a thing. Ah, yes, this is where I randomly type...things.... when I'm bored and have nothing else to do. Yup, short, sweet and straight to the point.


Viewing 10 of 14 comments.


Report | 10/29/2006 10:58 am


I miss you, Kathrynn. -sigh-

Report | 06/26/2006 4:11 pm


Hey... Guess what... I'm dying... Kind've awkward, eh? Lol...

Report | 06/20/2006 5:45 am


Thanks for the comment..... I dont know what else to say in these things. C ya.

Report | 06/18/2006 10:59 am


Well Vincent,

Roleplaying is my life, in short. When I dream it's usually about roleplaying. When I stare off into the sky I see my charactor playing out the actions that I am typing in a roleplay. I'm roleplaying every day in my mind, just because I am a freak like that, but there is only one way to get better, and thats to practice n_n

Report | 06/17/2006 8:41 pm


Since you said we are aloud to ask you any questions we wish (That aren't too personal) I would like to ask you this:

How important is roleplaying to you?

You seem extremely good at it, I saw your post in The Temple of the Moon and you fit perfect for the role as the goddess. Your words seem so majestically put together and they blew me away, plus about how you could think of three entire paragraphs to type to explain a simple scene. The way you put it painted a mental image in my head (even though the pictures of the setting and your character at the beginning really help, lol) but still, I'd like to know that because I was simply left speechless by your post.

Report | 06/15/2006 10:06 am


Well, Mister GunnerBlaster, I can tell why you are Rynn's friend *cough cough* Lol. It's okay, we're all insane, welcome to the club, in which we sill have not discovered a name for, but it'll come to us sooner or later, you agree Rynn? Anyways... ummm well I was thinking about making my own roleplay Rynn, if you are interested, but I don't know what it is going to be about exactly, maybe Jordan will help me, or maybe even Treavor, since their both skilled like I am, not saying that you aren't but the plot is going to be a suprise for you, and hopefully, well most likely, it'll strike your interests.

Report | 06/12/2006 8:40 pm


Hey! What's up? Nothing much, here. For once, I'm thinking about calling it an early night. It's only 11:36 PM and I'm beat like a mashed potatoe! Har ahr haraldafjldjfo; *Seizures uncontrollably* Ack!

Well... *Cough*

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BWahahahahahah! I dunno why, but that's funny, to me... *Cough* *Is insane*


Report | 06/08/2006 10:23 pm


*GASP* Comments!!! And in cool colors that stick out! Awesome! You all rock my socks, except for _Im_Not_Listening_ , you do not rock my socks. You make me a very angry camper.... as for ALMOST everyone else *cough* ~DAManTravis~ not included in the select few *cough* you all are AWESOME!!!! Talk to you guys later~ Man I'm such a loser, I commented my
own profile.... wow.... lol.

Report | 06/07/2006 11:09 am


Hey, I just remembered that we can leave comments on people's profiles. Hehehe. So, I am here to officially waste room... So... I wonder how long I gotta do this... well... I'm still waisting...


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Har har har! >.<
Adeline xD

Report | 06/03/2006 10:11 pm

Adeline xD

Dude thats sooo cool the text is lime green!!! Anyways, nice picture edits in your journal! I want one! I'm going to PM you about one alright? Thanks much haha bye bye talk to you later!


From the day I was born to the day I die, I am on my own side...[/color:54d77cc656][/size:54d77cc656]