Chibi Angel-chan

Chibi Angel-chan's avatar

Last Login: 07/29/2016 8:19 am

Registered: 09/20/2006

Gender: Female

Location: At school or in my house yeah I really don't have a social life : 3

Birthday: 10/02

Occupation: Lil sister, Older sister, Hard worker, student, Pokemon trainer, artist, writer, Treasure hunter, an

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I will obtain these...eventually!

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Sakasama Reinboo~An Ambi-chan creation ;D

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Fuufy Report | 12/08/2010 9:52 pm
That's a purdy christmas avi ;3
Fuufy Report | 11/25/2010 10:50 pm
Peek-a-boo~ I see you ~
Fuufy Report | 10/17/2010 1:16 pm
Ch-Ch-Chibi <33333
Fated Riku Report | 10/11/2010 5:45 pm
-Glomps- I MISS you!! <3333
Fuufy Report | 09/08/2010 8:40 pm
There~ Now we're even <3

Fuufy Report | 09/08/2010 8:37 pm
cool avi
Takahiro_Mitsukoshi Report | 08/31/2010 12:19 pm
It sounds like you have a lot on your hands. I wish you the best getting through your tasks and tackling that stress. It sounds intense. I'm very happy at my new school. I just transferred colleges. It's a new world but it's going rather smoothly. I'm really enjoying my classes. (It's a light load as of now.) You're very welcome. I always try to keep people in mind. Good to hear from you too. I'll let you know if I feel some inspiration for a story.
Takahiro_Mitsukoshi Report | 08/25/2010 7:51 am
Hey there! It's Mike! Remember me? xD it's been ages. Just wanted to ask if you're in school and see how you're doing. ^^ I remembered you were up for an RP once. Talk to you soon!
LaLunaKaida Report | 07/31/2010 7:50 pm
LaLunaKaida Report | 05/13/2010 4:34 pm

/profile rape

The Responsible One

This page it totally about: Well everyone calls me Ambi-chan, but I respond to pretty much anything. For example a few of my nicknames are Lana, Chibi, Half-hearted Traitor, and That girl.

I happen to be this many years young: 17 is the official number, but we all know that I’m not really. In Ambian years I happen to be five and half.

Everyone should be able to see that I’m: Of the female gender! Though I have been mistaken for my brother before…we’re not entirely sure how or why that happened but it is certainly a rare occurrence.

I have a few people I would like to mention before talking about myself:

Plush-chan -->This girl is like my life. She has been my best friend for around five years and honestly I can tell you now we’re still going to be friends in fifty years. Despite the distance that is between us in terms of how often we actually see each other, we always talk online. Mind you this talking doesn’t always make sense, there are plenty of times where the conversation just, was like…giving a spazzy ferret with ADHD sugar and speed and crack. But all terrible comparisons aside, I tell this girl everything and would lay my life down on the line for her if it meant keeping her safe. I don’t know what life would be like without her and frankly I don’t ever want to think about that. She means more to me than a lot of other people do so don’t mess unless you want to die a slow and painful death (I mean this in the most non-threatening way possible). As well as being an amazing friend, a kind soul, and awesome all around, she is totally the Queen of Roleplaying. I mean she’s the one who pretty much got me hooked, way back when with all our special Kingdom Hearts stuff. So I owe all of my advancement in the literacy department to her.

Fu-Fuufy (LaLunaKaida) --> Definitely a more recent friend I’ve made, but a friend none the less I must thank her for always staying up with me roleplaying and never getting sick of how needy I am. Plus she introduced me to Katekyo Hitman Reborn (probably among my favorites I’ve watched) and she got me hooked so now I can be retarded and come up with awesome pairings like Gokudera X (child) Lambo. Honestly she’s a lot of fun to talk to and comes up with the best rolelay ideas and I would probably be a really bored and idle person if she weren’t around so I seriously appreciate her friendship.

Dysfunctional Clementine XanthReborn--> Two of my closest friends whom I appriciate very much for tollerating my lack of appearance over this year. These two are seriously great friends, and they will always listen to all of my problems and cheer me up and get me ice cream (well at least Clementine will Xanth will probably eat it all _ You Kaito you). I honestly am thankful that they stuck by me during my period of being a hermit and wish that there was a way I could thank them for being so patient and everything. I swear I’ll make it up to you guys one of these days. But yeah so two really great people whom you should all love and worship because they are just awesome and always fun to talk to about random stuff.

Omgitstales -->Okay this is my best friend in the entire world, I mean sure we are related, in fact we are sisters. But sisters really doesn’t describe our relationship because we’re always joking around with eachother. While we may share the same room, and fight sometimes, we always make up, and I don’t know what I’m going to do without her when I’m in college. Honestly who is going to protect me from serial killers in the middle of the night, and convince me that I don’t have some deadly disease that I’m making up in my head? I love her to pieces and we will always be super close and have fun talking about Phoenix Wright, or making fun of anime girls or anime in general, or listening to her rant about Harry Potter and then have to defend her from my ebil Uncle who always attacks her about Snape. She is the coolest Slytherine girl around and while she can be scary she’s always looks out for me and wants only the best for me.

Omgitsanni --> Yeah Tales’ best friend. Love her to pieces too but not in the same way. She’s lots of fun to talk to on the phone when my sister isn’t around. In my book she’ll always be the lovable old Edna, and I thoroughly enjoy going to anime conventions with her and my sister. She’s cute, fun, and all about anime and japanese stuff…and Harry Potter of course.

Ryou-chan (Ryousuke_san) --> Another recent friend, whom is the cutest thing I have ever met! And by thing I mean person n__n” Reminds me of Fuuta from KHR and I just want to stuff him with cookies and milk XD Always has really amazing conversations about pretty much anything, if you are looking for super amazing Avi art you should seriously go to his page and visit his art shop. I mean honestly OwO It is great quality work! :3 He is also my recently adopted son so don't go messin' with him unless you want your eyes to bleed from the terrible things I will say n_n *squee* Love ya Ryou-chan ~<3

Finally time to find out about me:
Hey! This is Ambi-chan speaking if you haven’t figure that out yet. And this is the part where I tell you about myself. So what to say…I guess I could start off with the basics. I’ve been around here for 17 years going on 18 in the fall. I stand 5’1/2” off the ground (mucht to my dismay sometimes). I am going to be a Freshman in college, going for my degree in Secondary Education: Biology, so basically I want to be a high school Biology teacher. After that I’m thinking about getting another deree in Forensic science or Chemistry…or both. I love my family (way more than school, which is pretty crazy because I am a super freak about school). My family consists of two dad’s, a mother ( I used to have another one but she’s hanging out with the clouds now), I have three brothers, a sister, and two dogs (one girl one boy). I did have two guinea pigs one named Sora, the other named Nina, they are both deceased though, as well as my sister’s beta fish. I shall not disclose where I live, unless I really really REALLY trust you, but just in case you do find out where I live I have taken forensic science and know how to kill and dispose of your body. Me and Gaia are like joint at the hip pretty much, I am not sure how busy I will be in college, but I will probably be on here if I have time on my hands. My semester classes are General Chemistry I and Lab(though I could have taken Organic cause I got a 4 on my AP Chemistry test ;D Hellz ya!), General Biology I and Lab (once again could have taken one class up but chose not to), General Psychology, and English 101 Honors. I also plan on taking a Chorus class because I love to sing my heart out. I have no life at the moment but I am looking to change that and try to be more social.

Next I guess I shall tell you what I do in my spare time, aside from hang around gaia. I enjoy drawing, mainly anime and mainly chibis, but lately I’ve been trying to venture further and do backgrounds and draw proportional people. I can draw on the computer or on paper, and I have done avi art, but not entirely sure what prices would be or if I would have time to make a shop. If you are interested just comment or pm me and I’ll see what I can do. If you want to see samples just ask I will be more than happy to show you. Along with drawing I do animate some (Though I’m not entirely good at it) I have been using Paint and Windows Movie Maker to do so, but of late I’ve been trying out Inkscape and Gimp for the coloring and inking stuff, it’s pretty cool. I love to write all kinds of stuff, which includes poems and short stories (thought they usually don’t get finished). I love to make profiles and profile layouts though I highly doubt that they are marketable on gaia since they aren’t that amazing.

Okay I feel like Roleplaying deserves its own paragraph because I love it so much. Over the past few years I have gotten a lot better, going from un-Lit to semi-Lit, and then from semi-Lit to Literate. Of course I’ve done Advanced Lit but if you are too picky then you shouldn’t roleplay with me. In terms of roleplaying genres I have done pretty much everything at one point. I don’t enjoy spins off of anime’s unless they have A LOT of thought put into them. The main one’s I do most often are fantasy, mystery, horror, post-apocalyptic, school/slice of life but like I said I will do pretty much anything…aside from creepy one’s like slave and stuff (Though I have yet to do yaoi or yuri Rp’s and I’m not sure that I am capable of doing one ;_; Sorry). If you have any good one’s best time to get me is at the beginning of the summer, though during the school year I am usually in a few. One on One roleplays are pretty good >> So if you ever need a partner n__n I’m your gal!

In terms of other information I pretty much tell everyone that I love them, and I am a big hugger, so if you are anti-hug mention that before you talk to me. I love to feed everyone cookies and give them milk and I have a thing for cute adorable people. I have the potential to be hyper, random,….really random, crazy, a freak, a nerd, a geek, imaginative, a dreamer, did I mention that I was random? And above all else I’m human. Though some people will say otherwise (especially since I am always cold and can wear sweaters and black tights during the summer which makes me part reptile). Don’t be creeped out or freaked out by me, but if you are I apologize. I tend to be slightly overbearing and incredibly protective and motherly so if you are close enough to me you’ll see that. I am also paranoid, and a nervous wreck so don’t mind me sometimes. Oh and I love to ramble (if you couldn’t tell by this lovely about me). Any way I hope that we can be friends and that you took the time to make it this far. If you have then you get…COOKIES! Any way pm me, comment me, roleplay with me, just don’t be mean to me and we’re good!

Diary of the Stressed and Overworked

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The Diary of the Overworked and Underpaid

Just a place to talk about stuff that happens, though I don't use it much sometimes I do. Read if you would like 8&gt;


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