
"I don't know you anymore.. You've changed so much," she whispered, her chocolate-brown eyes piercing through his inner soul.
"But it's still me! I'm still the same, I can still joke, I can still laugh, I'm still the same," he responded, another tear escaping from his violet eyes.
"No. You're not the same, you can't be the same. The smile is fake, the jokes are forced, you can't be the same," she whispered, turning her head away as she spoke.
She didn't want to see him anymore. Didn't know him anymore. Didn't remember. Didn't know. Didn't love.
"The one I know never cried, only smiled. The one I know didn't whimper, only spoke. The one I know didn't scream, only laughed. The one I know didn't hurt," she spoke, chocolate-brown eyes focusing back on the crying form that was kneeling down in front of her.
"I cried, just on the inside. I whimpered, but only when I was alone. I screamed, but only when no-one could hear me. I was hurting, just on the inside," he looked at her, his violet eyes showing nothing but sadness,"I smiled, whenever I saw you. I spoke, whenever you needed me to. I laughed, whenever you wanted it..
I hurt, whenever you left. I hurt, whenever you were crying. I hurt whenever you whimpered. I hurt whenever you screamed. I hurt.. whenever you hurt."
Chocolate-brown eyes laughed. "You're not the same. You can't be the same."
Violot eyes cried. "I am the same. I haven't changed."
"You can't be.."
"But I am. I am. I truly am!"
"You can't. Stoppit! You can't be!"
"But I am! I am! I'm telling you, I am!"
Chocolate-brown eyes angered. "Stoppit! Just stoppit! Stop lying! You can't be the same! You just can't be!"
Another dagger pierced through his broken heart. "I am. Please, believe me. I am.. I'm still the same, I can still smile, I can still laugh. I can. I really can."
"But it won't be the same. It just won't be," she whispered as she turned away from him, facing the lake that lay there.
"Please. Don't do this, I can be the same again. I could learn to laugh again, I could learn to smile again. I could learn. I'm still the same."
"It won't be the same. It just won't be. I don't know you anymore.."
Long brown hair danced through the air as footsteps were made in the muddy ground. "It won't be the same," a soft voice whispered as a childs feet stepped into icy cold water. "It just won't be.."
"I can learn. I can be him again. I can turn back! I can! Please believe me. Please don't leave. Please don't go away!"
"It's too late. As long as he's not here. It's too late," the voice whispered as another step into the water was made, causing the water to glow a beautiful white. "It's just too late."
"No!" the boy screamed as he jumped up from the ground and ran forward, grabbing the girl by the arm, "I can't let you go. I refuse to lose you!"
"You already have. You're not the boy I know."
"I am. Listen to me, I am!" The hand holding the girl turned fierce. "I am the same!"
"You're not! Stop this. You're hurting me!"
The boy's hand retreated. "I am the same. Look at me. I'm the same!"
A sharp laugh escaped the girls lips, causing the boy to cringe. "Those eyes aren't his."
"They are," the boy whispered as he fell to his knees again, too tired to stand on his own feet any longer. "They just aren't hiding anything anymore."
"He never hid anything from me."
"He did. He always did." A tear fell from his violet eyes, dropping into the water below. "You just never knew."
The girl shook her head fiercely. "No! You're lying to me. Not him. He can't--"
"It was his mask..- My mask. It just broke, that's all. It can be fixed again," the boy got back to his feet and moved closer to the girl, holding his hand out to her as he spoke,"but I can't fix it on my own.. I.. I need you."
The girl shook her head again. "It can't be --"
"It can and it is," the boy whispered as he wrapped his arms tightly around the girl. "It just is."
The girl stood frozen. "No.." she whispered. She didn't believe him. Didn't want to. Couldn't.
"The touch is the same.. but those eyes.. I can't believe it."
The boy stepped back. His eyes locked on the girl's face. His eyes showed hurt but his mouth revealed a smile. "I'm the same.. And I always will be."
The girl watched in shock as the smile widened. "You..-... That smile.. -.. But it can't be..-... It doesn't.. make sense.. What changed you so much?!"
"You did."
"I..-.. I did?.. But how?.. What are you saying!?.. I couldn't have...-.. How?"
"You made my mask break.. It was too heavy. It carried too many tears. You allowed me to tear it away and break it. You helped me break it."
"How?.. I never knew that you..-... I mean...-...I never saw you cry.. Never.."
"I hid it from you. I always had. Ever since the day we met.. I always had.. Because..-.. Because I loved you too much."
The boy collapsed then. His body falling to the water, causing the girl to run forward and catch him before he could even reach it.
"Because you always wore that mask.. Because you made me get so used to it.. Because of that, I don't recognize you anymore.. And.. I don't love you anymore.."
A tear escaped chocolate-brown eyes, landing on the porcelain cheek of the young boy. "You made me fall in love, with someone who you're not.."
A soft laugh escaped the boy's lips. "Don't cry.. I told you, I can be him again.. I can turn back.. I just need..- ..You."
The girl watched him through a curtain of tears. "No.. I won't allow you to turn back.. Never.."
The boy watched her in confusion, his thumb gently wiping away the small pecks of tears that had appeared in the corners of her eyes.
"Why not?"
"Because.. I want to love you..-.. The real you.. Not the one with the mask..-.. I want to love you."
A smile tugged at the boy's lips. "Then.. I won't turn back. I won't hide anything from you.. I'll stay as I am now."
A smile came to the girl's face. She watched the boy before carefully leaning down, causing their faces to be a mere breath away.
"I love you.. The real you.."
"I love you too.. "
And with that, they closed their eyes and connected their lips. Holding eachother as they proved to the world, that their love.. was indeed real.


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Every life has a story; this is mine.

You don't need to know everything in life,
just the things you need to be happy.

Unless you've lived my life, don't judge me because you don't know, never have & never will know every little thing & detail about me.



Viewing 1 of 1 comments.


Report | 11/24/2008 9:47 am


The love story you posted was so great it made me Cry, Thank you!


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