Chip Valentine

Chip Valentine's avatar

Registered: 06/17/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Birthday: 09/01/1988

Occupation: Student


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Andrea Valentine Report | 08/14/2012 12:10 am
Andrea Valentine
cool avi
Skugga Eld Report | 08/01/2008 4:24 pm
Skugga Eld
-tackles and bites-
vampyre_chick18 Report | 04/28/2008 1:19 am
awwwww, all you have to do is tell kell to hand over the lappy for a minute *kisses* i love your rabbit form *cuddles* its so cute! there arent many things cuter than a cute widdle bunny wabbit, but i can think of one right off the top of my head, lol, because you are the cutest guy i have ever known *kisses and hugs* love you babe
vampyre_chick18 Report | 04/22/2008 2:21 am
yeah, we are an awesomely insane far from normal typical couple, lol, if that makes any sense at all *kisses*

i cant say i blame you, i have a lot of stuff i never equip but i dont have the heart to sell.........
Skugga Eld Report | 04/21/2008 11:04 pm
Skugga Eld
lol I can't remember what half of this is about either other then me being worried about the visa to go home. [and hopefully I'll be there for good]

I can't stop giggling from a few things that happend earlier hehe

and I don't want me to quiet I just don't know what to say. Sarie @__@

-hugs 50 times then runs- hehe
vampyre_chick18 Report | 04/19/2008 12:07 am
definately not me, lol, tried to be normal for years, didnt really work out well

yeah, i have a bottle too, the moon is worth alot more than the bottle, and once its fully evolved it will be worth a ton
Skugga Eld Report | 04/18/2008 1:38 am
Skugga Eld
Sarie wasn't trying to sound mean.

I just get scared very easily so when I panic it well actually comes off diffrently to some.


Seriosuly. -sigh0 YOU'D THINK I WAS NORTH KOREAN!!

lol ^^ xP

ARGH I forgot what I was going to type AGAIN @__@ sarie User Image


He called me a few mins ago so I feel better.

alittle anyways I'll be quiet nowz
Skugga Eld Report | 04/16/2008 5:53 am
Skugga Eld
Chil out!? how dare you ******** tell me to chill out!?


I'm teasing [obviously] ^^

I'm trying to calm down but its so hard to.

I want to go home and that visa is taking for ever to be excepted and to top it all off with the whip

I have to get insurance before the thing can be accepted and its taking forever for the people I live with to do that @_@ -sighs-

Once I go home..[or should I say if?] I hope I never EVER have to return to this horrid cuntrie.


Sarie had to let that all out @__@

I forgot what else I was going to type... @_@ ain't that lovely.
vampyre_chick18 Report | 04/15/2008 11:59 am
it may be the boyfriendly thing to do, but we arent the typical couple, lol, definately think we are far from a normal couple

and yeah, i know, lol, Ice gave it to me, he was talking about how it didnt have any poses, when he gave it to me it was worth like 15K, but ill probably never sell it, lol, it was a gift from a friend, so ill keep it
Skugga Eld Report | 04/15/2008 12:28 am
Skugga Eld
It is a good thing that I'm going home.

I'm just worried the visa wont get accepted but in away I know it will be.

EEEK sarie didn't mean to offend @_@

=hugs heaps=

=doesnt know what else to type=


Hi I'm Chip, its not exactly my real name but I have thought a lot about changing to it. Chip was just something my family started calling me and a few years ago I started using it online then it spread to my whole life ^^ Though I also go by the name Andrea sinc ei have made a discovery about myself.

What else is there to say I spend my time on Role Playing forums as I enjoy writing and it gives me a place to put it and let other people help write the story if I get writers block, and this has made me a great many Internet friendships.

I don't know what else to say other than I have some issues on spelling, I live in the UK.

When getting to know someone it tends to be better to ask them about who they are then just read it in a box. Cause I'll happily say im planning to change gender but that doesn't tell you anything about me really so if you want ot be my friend and get to know me leave a comment or message me.

and and here a great big hug for a special someone out there *HUGS*

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