The Proof... Of what, you shall not know.

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Blueturtle79 Report | 08/26/2012 1:05 pm
You are virtual. gonk
Blueturtle79 Report | 08/26/2012 1:00 pm
ooh..PARTY!!! your house? ....awkward (awk! Parro wanna .....PollyAiry!!!)
Ya-chan Chibi-cat Report | 02/21/2012 12:44 pm
Ya-chan Chibi-cat
3nodding CHOCKY-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, I'm so sorry for the seriously over-belated reply!!! crying crying crying I had some weirdness in me life, but it might be figured out now...hopefully sweatdrop
Hehe, how have you been all this time??? Hope you're doing good!!! pirate pirate
Mwuhahahahaha, MONEY TREE!!!! Yesh, we rulez ninja
OH, BTW!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin I 'MIGHT' be drawing a picture involving you, zombifyingness and chocolate croissants (If you can't make the connection, yes, it's based on one of our previous conversations biggrin rofl ) There's a slight chance tho, not entirely sure, but I think it just might happen!!! If it does...well, hope you like it 3nodding
Nyaa 3nodding
Epingle Report | 02/03/2012 2:51 am
LOL ye xDD had no idea for avi xD
Aarime Report | 01/28/2012 3:32 pm
HI!!! Guess what. My toy flew onto the roof yesterday. Today when i checked on it,it was a sock. Just felt like tellin the story so you know if your toy flies onto the roof,retrieve it IMMEDEATLY or you'll find a lonely sock on your roof.
Icepuppies Report | 01/25/2012 10:57 pm
I love your avi o: !! XD
Ya-chan Chibi-cat Report | 01/21/2012 1:36 pm
Ya-chan Chibi-cat
3nodding Hahahaha, yes! And that's certainly a good thing, since I have a kitty chixxor as mah alter would be catastrophic if she had to die from something like curiosity...pfft. stare I CAN GIVES YOU THE ENCOURAGEMENT ANY TIME YOUZ NEEDS IT!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin
MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Those weapons of mass destruction sounds utterly DELICIOUS!!! *drool drool* Except for the tree. The money tree just sounds LKGLDYFWLHBKHAFDUTWLKJBDLAJBLD>ANLKJHAD:>LKS?QWN><HS>DA----AWESOMESAUCE!!! heart 4laugh whee We shall destroy all those who stand in our way... meow 3nodding
Nyaa 3nodding
XxxKuro-Kitsune-JoxxX Report | 01/15/2012 2:42 pm
3nodding XDDD I'M HONOURED!!! To recieve a sneeze in such a way... crying crying crying Sank yew!!! 3nodding
Ya-chan Chibi-cat Report | 01/15/2012 2:30 pm
Ya-chan Chibi-cat
3nodding Ehehe...yesiree... redface I was sitting around one day (at the time we didn't have internet) and I was like..."I WANT TO HAVE ZE AWESOME ANIME WALLPAPERS!!!! scream " So I decided to create my own anime wallpapers on MS was all I could use...eheh, and from there it actually turned into a whole fad with me... sweatdrop sweatdrop Hehe, iz fun drawing on Paint biggrin
Your pic is awesome so far!!!! crying But yes, just keep practising, you most def have talent and you can get far with it! When I look back at my old manga pics when I started drawing it, I'm like: sweatdrop I'm happy that I've grown so much...
Hahahaha, craziness FTW FOREVAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! blaugh scream rofl mrgreen razz whee heart heart heart Iz what makes the world go 'round 3nodding
Nyaa 3nodding
XxxKuro-Kitsune-JoxxX Report | 01/14/2012 5:12 pm
3nodding Bwahahahahaha, iz okay, Chocky-chan! I'm just happies you added the Mule too biggrin And...and...and...Sneezing Chocolate...IZ SUCH A CUTE NAMEEEEEEEEE!!! heart heart heart

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Chocolate Cookie Stalker's avatar

Location: Look out your window, Silly!

Birthday: 09/04

Occupation: I'm a full fledged chocolate stalker *Of course*