
SeXy LiL dEvIl

Hello there!
*They call me JackY!!
*I'm a libra...meaning im a tampon!!
*I was born in Sydney
*Friends are my life
*You mess with my friends your messing with me b***h
*I've become more random and whats random is I still have more randomness to come!!
*I love lots of people but there are only two people that are in my heart
*Im GaY
*Im spontaniouse
*I love writting poetry
*Men are Dickheads!!
*I love sarah!
*I love Rachel!
*I like to party alot
*Its very hard to upset me unless I let you into my heart...wich dosen't happen often
*Im paranoid
*I can't stop shaking in the hands and legs
*I'm a smoker but im trying my best to quit...and its not working!!
*My stupid retarded mum and dad think im an alcholic!
*I think im just sexy
*I used to be camera shy but now im the biggest cam whore in the world
*Piss me off and you will be hurt
*Make me cry adn you will suffer for it later
*Break my heart and you will be murded in your sleep after I rudley wake you up =)
*I believe in love at first sight
unless you were blind...then touch i guess...
*I hate it when im going off at someone and everyone laughs...that ruins it...im trying to be angry not funny!
*My friends get upset because im to nice
*Today I made my friend cry because she isn't used to being loved
*I'm really nice if i noe you but if I don't no you and you say one wrong thing to me i will hate you forever
*I hold grudges for a very VERY long time
*I'm going to filo next year!!
*I like typing...obviously
*Evanescence is the hottest band since AC/DC
*Amy Lee is gorgeous
*If you walked up behind me and tryed to scare me and i dont no you i would punch you on instinkt
*But if we go see a movie together in the movie it will be funny but i will be scared later on and who ever you are you will be my big bear!!
*I punched my mum in face last night....but she woke me up and i was drunk....both are very bad
*If your younger then me then I already hate you....unless you act mature
*If your older then me nad you act like a little retard kid in year 7 i will dislike you forever!
*once your out of my life you never get back in
*Most people regret pissing me off
*I like to make people cry...especially at school
*Fave Evanescence song is Your Star....SARAH THATS OUR SONG!!!!
*I'm a god father
*I'm god damn sexy
*I'm full of myself
*I can't get enough of ME
*I spend atleast 15min looking at myself in a mirror once i see myself!
*It takes me forever to get ready to go out
*I will take one hour to get dressed no matter were I am going
*I take 1 and a half hours showers...I get in heaps of trouble for that though!
*All of my close friedns would no everything about me because i'm very open
*I love short people!
*I'm hosting sarah's hens party!!! and i get to go because im a special person =)*I'm hosting the after party for sarah's wedding
*Almost everyone i noe is now sick of me talking about sarah
*My ears are going to explode because for the past 9 hours i have been listening to the new Evanescence album FULL BLAST
*I'm to sexy for my shirt...so im going to take it off just for you
* I like to make up new words...and little random sayings....for egsample...Lesbians are fun to touch when they are sleeping
*I've been told im funny
*People are always telling me to become an actor and do drama and stuff
*I can't concentrate very well unless you bribe me with something
*I'm weak against temtation...Put any of the following infront of me and i WILL take it:
*body chocolate
*rooster roll
*any form of hallucinate
and thats it i think...
*Lots of things scare me!
*Im very stupid but also very smart...and funnily enough if you think about it...then you will find it actually makes sence!
*When ever I hide something from my family I wont be able to remember were i put it for a month
*I losse things easily
*I've lost my virginity twice!!
...yer bet your not htat special!
*OMG!! me and sarah are slowly going preppy!! we need someone to save us!!
*But were going cool preppy not skanky lil whore preppy....minus the lil whore =)
*I like to brag alot
*It is in my nature to absorb any insult you throw at me
*I accept anything you give to me
*I finaly found a job
*I don't go to school
*I keep getting complements on my arms!
*I really badly need a tan...SARAH WE MUST GO TO THE BEACH!
*I need to go shopping soon
*I tell my friends what to get me instead of letting them decide for them selves
*I am almost alway craving alchol
*I really need a smoke
*Im hungry right now
*Im almost always hungry
*I eat like a horse but look like a model!! smile

*You wish you could be me* heart
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Look at this cool vid thingy slide I made of me and my friends heart

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Viewing 12 of 26 friends



Read it and you shall find Out


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

I love to break the rules

Report | 10/27/2006 2:24 am

I love to break the rules


your profile is awesome! ^^

"*Evanescence is the hottest band since AC/DC
*Amy Lee is gorgeous"
too ******** right!

Report | 07/09/2006 4:04 pm


Hey i love you profile!pm me sometme ok^^

Report | 06/24/2006 12:11 pm


All the nice ones are gay =/

Report | 06/19/2006 10:10 pm


You look like this dude I know named Anthony. O=

Report | 06/15/2006 2:40 am


...I have nothing to say.... neutral

Report | 06/15/2006 1:50 am


Cubes for the win!
da blu moose

Report | 06/15/2006 1:43 am

da blu moose

I don't love you (I don't know you(but I'm not a homophobe)), but here is a comment from a moose! xP
A Sleeping Darkness

Report | 06/14/2006 12:33 pm

A Sleeping Darkness

I like your profile.

Report | 06/13/2006 5:18 pm


I lubbich you!!!

Report | 06/13/2006 11:44 am


You sir, are sexy lol wink


I'm a Pedafiles Dream heart

Come check us out heart