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Choreo's avatar

Registered: 12/22/2013

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/20/1996




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Fredy-san Report | 09/03/2014 11:21 pm
Congrats... I hardly able to save more than 150B though gonk
Chief Oof Report | 09/03/2014 5:58 am
Chief Oof
No problem! To be honest I had a lot of spare crap in my inventory, and while trying to clean it out apparently it had a couple of items that where worth a lot of gold. I don't tend to bother with gold anymore so it's fun to donate it whenever something like this happens.
drip dropped Report | 09/01/2014 3:50 am
drip dropped
Then why you gotta get my hopes up.
Fredy-san Report | 08/31/2014 5:15 pm
Yes I got the inverse for 90B emotion_yatta
Fredy-san Report | 08/31/2014 11:37 am
Oh you should check often people equipped items or wishlists. I found many of items added in my wishlist from there.
Fredy-san Report | 08/31/2014 11:16 am
Well, yes I am a cheapskater.
I am not as rich as you or people though anyway.
Fredy-san Report | 08/31/2014 11:07 am
Shhh... I am trying to get a bargain on MP. That is why I am not wearing expensive stuffs.
angelvelvet2 Report | 08/30/2014 8:42 pm
cool avi
drip dropped Report | 08/30/2014 2:50 pm
drip dropped
you're gonna have to prove dat redface
-Lord Of Crimson Desire- Report | 08/27/2014 8:43 pm
-Lord Of Crimson Desire-
Thank you for the purchase,
Have a wonderful day-