
christenwashere's avatar

Last Login: 06/06/2010 9:10 am

Registered: 10/12/2006

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My name is Christen and I have been a part of Gaia since October 2006..long time. X3
Anyways, I do horseback riding and water polo and swimming as a sport. I love to draw and stay on the computer. I don't go on Gaia that often nowadays, though. Because of homework and all that junk. I love AIM X3 On May 10th, I'll be fifteen & May 10th is my dayy. Talk to you later,


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D.Sango_333 Report | 06/08/2022 3:17 pm
Tsuukii Report | 01/28/2008 7:23 pm
That's soo awesome how you guys met on gaia but are like connected in some way in real life lawl. It's illegal to leave the tap running while brushing your teeth? LOL the fact that they added the "illegal" to it makes it sound hilarious. Well I don't leave the tap running anyway, even though I use a lot of water I try not to waste it. I start school tomorrow unfortunately but then again, I can't really wish for any longer because I'm going to have to go back some day! And I think I'm starting to get really lazy hanging out on the net every single day. Well I enjoyed it while it lasted, hopefully this year school will be a blast ;] So 2 months has flashed before my eyes, back in 2007 I was like 2 months! Yippee it's going to be a long time till I start school again. And boom! Here I am, back to school tomorrow. I hope 2008 will bring you joyful hours and fond memories. Wishing you all the best, take care hun. Buhbye xx Megan
sinmun Report | 01/24/2008 7:26 pm
Good luck with your exams
myoko_chan Report | 01/22/2008 11:22 am


and well i dont know what you have?

and what you looking for???


how about yot stat the trade so i know whast to be trade for
Tsuukii Report | 01/21/2008 9:10 pm
Oh and, I forgot to mention in my last message, it is compulsory to wear the uniform at my school. I just bought my senior uniform today since the juniors and seniors have different uniforms. The uniform consists of a white blouse and long pleated dark green skirt. It's alright but the junior one which I had to wear for 3 years was hideous! Luckily, I'm done with that uniform. We also have to wear black "lace up" shoes (it's pathetic they won't let us wear the buckle up ones that expose the socks). I like the buckle up ones, they look so feminine but nooo the principle says they must be, covered lace up shoes. Oh well just another two more years to go and I'll get to wear whatever I want in university ^_^.
Tsuukii Report | 01/21/2008 9:02 pm
Lol noo, my school is like a 5 min drive from my house. I could walk there but I'm too lazy x_x I'm going to leave gaia for while when I go back to school because I'll be way too busy and probably won't have time for this game. Cairns is like HOT as in 36 degrees HOT (or celcius which jessica said is the scale american's use to measure temperature) xP. I'm longing for winter right now, but I've gotta wait another 6 months? till I get what I want >:{ Anyway how's life over in CA. Yes, it occasionally rains in Cairns, sometimes it rains nonstop for days but sometimes it decides to rain for like 3 mins then stops. CA rarely rains? I never knew that, does that mean that you have water restrictions? I'd hate to have a water restriction, because I always need water, since I'm a clean freak and always wash my hands and take long showers lol. By the way, are you and Jessica related in some way or go to the same school? Just curiosity ;]
Kambui Shumba Report | 01/19/2008 6:20 pm
Kambui Shumba
heyyyyy chris!!!!

rawrrr ninja!!

whats up?
jessica go rawr Report | 01/19/2008 11:11 am
jessica go rawr
hiii c. X_X u need to answer me on deviantart at least if ur not gonna b on AIM. lol i sent u an offline msg...but since ur probably not gonna b on i doubt u'll get it till waaaay later in teh wk. heh. unless if ur gonna b on during the wkend. O_O anyways, email on yahoo. IM on aim. msg me on deviant. i dunno. X_X i miss yooo
Tsuukii Report | 01/18/2008 9:25 pm
CHRiiSTEN! <33

Ughh I thought you left for good! But I'm soo glad your back, I think I'll probably be leaving for a while again when I'm back to school in like a week's time >:L Exams suck! I know, but do you guys gets assignments? Coz in Australia we have like at least one exam and assignment for each subject every term. It's soo pathetic they all get due in the same week and you study so hard until your brain starts to delete things. Well that happens to me sometimes BUTT I don't think that's normal :LLL I have MSN but not AIM and Deviantart I have never heard of. So yeah, I have been pretty slack and busy these holidays, I went to my friends 16th Birthday bash last night at the beach it was radd. But yeah I'm still tired, so currently I'm relaxing in my air-conditioned room *exhales* I wish you all the luck in the world that you'll ace your exams. Loving you muchly xx

User Image Megan
Tsuukii Report | 01/05/2008 10:15 pm

Ahhh! I missed you too hun my gosh gaia has changed I haven't been on since who knows but I'm still alive just to let you know User Image I do this occasionally come on for a while and then flee for like a year and then make a miraculous return I bet you're like OMG this girl has issues. But no I don't actually I just get tied up in other stuff but I'm on holidays now I just came back from Japan like a few weeks ago and had to catch up with friends, plan things, work all that kinda stuff. I hope you haven't forgotten mee but my avvie is on ur page so that's a good sign I hope I can catch up with you soon.

Love you loong time gorjuz,

xox Megan




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