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IVIooncake on 06/10/2022




"I can promise you the Devil doesn't care, why would he? your stupidity is his livelihood....your death, his pay check."

I am known by many things, demon, darkness, redemption. Some would call me a saint, others, the spawn of Satan himself. Regardless on where your opinions may lie, you cannot deny that my existence proves that the world can be.. much more than it appears.

Who am I, you ask? Well my friend, I don't exactly have what you humans would call an "identity". Perhaps I should explain this in terms that will simplify your comprehension. I am what is known as a guardian, I am known throughout the world as someone who protects the balance of life and death. My job is to simply harvest the souls that have passed and send them to where they belong, I am also meant to preserve peace by stopping any.. unwanted presence from getting in the way.

Of course, most humans do not believe I exist which can only lead to more doubts in ones mind if I am real. Perhaps it is up to you to figure that out, hm? For now, I will continue to serve humanity by helping to maintain the balance.


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Cirque Illusionist


ehehehe welcome mortal~