
Claymore313's avatar

Last Login: 04/27/2011 10:09 am

Gender: Male

Birthday: 12/29


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some of my fav musics ^_^

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People come and people go,like the ocean's rage and the river's flow.And how much some will never know how much,just how much you loved them so....


The most incomplete about me, that isn't blank... O_o"

My name is Craig, i'm 16 aaanddd.....ummm.... (ahhh, I don't know what else to say... o_o") It's been so long since I updated my profile Dx. WELL! I like Orange juice! I play the yoyo, Sketch, read, Love (even though I don't have someone designated to love me back (a girlfriend) xD) I'm quick, deep, and good hearted. Being taken lightly or taking advantage my kindness is unadvised and will most certainly be noticed quickly and stopped immediately; so if you're a jerk, get lost. Buuuut, most of you are nice people. wink Thanks for reading.
P.s. I love meeting new people. If you see me around and wanna chat, send me a pm or comment. BAII!

Be careful what you wish for.

please dont...but i understand how you feel...its terrible...but soon it will pass and you will look back at what you were thinking and say ;"what the hell was i thinking",and just would hurt alot of people if your wish came true;like your family members and friends,god,and me!please love,please be careful what you wish for,it may just comes through.dying wouldnt fix anything at all.and even if it did they would be temporary,and it would start a ton more problems for the people close to you.I dont know if you consider me "close to you" but i consider you very close to me.think of you being water inside a bowl,and myself and who everyone else that loves you,and you love them are the bowl.and when you thought of dying made us,(the bowl) crack,and you(the water) start to leek out of the bowl,taking bits and peices of us as you leek out(which is not only killing you but US aswell)until the bowl cant hold up anymore......and it breaks altoghether...

Love does not come only once. ^_^ino that some things happen,but(harsh cruel and unfair they may be)no matter what the circumstance(whether war or love)never ever give up hope,and move forward.I also know "moving forward" is much easier said than done,but if you like i will help in what ever way i can.

Over Flowing with Love



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Madam Kagu Report | 12/29/2014 10:25 pm
Madam Kagu
every year happy birthday
Madam Kagu Report | 12/29/2013 11:24 am
Madam Kagu
even though u dont come online no more imma say happy birthday till you do LOL happy birthday heart
Madam Kagu Report | 12/29/2011 10:02 am
Madam Kagu
happy birthday again lol heart
miss_shorty559 Report | 01/06/2011 9:54 pm
hah omg! i havent tlak to u in forever old bud how are u?
Madam Kagu Report | 12/29/2010 6:23 pm
Madam Kagu
happy happy birthday heart
XDdust_bunnyzDX Report | 08/14/2010 5:21 pm
you want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!it really works
XDdust_bunnyzDX Report | 06/12/2010 3:44 pm
Hey! Gosh, I havn't talked to you in a while..Hmmm. Oh I dunno if you remember me, but I'm Boo..ha. My old username was boodog19? Mmhmm. Well I kinda wanted to see how you were doing and what's been up.
DorkxFreak Report | 04/16/2010 12:16 pm
YO! long time no talk. ummmmm HEY!
moriahmonstrosity1 Report | 02/05/2010 6:24 pm
moriahmonstrosity1 Report | 02/04/2010 4:14 pm
craig i need music on my profile! e.e
Invisible Kelsey
The Forgotten Lullaby
xX Akira Ryuzaki Xx


my sister kelsey.(please,someone;help her out of that suit....<_<)


bubblez11234 YAAAHAAAA!

my awesome friend Jackie,whom i miss sooo very much^_^

boodog19^_^ *woot woot*


my ninja buddy,Lil Leviathan 13 yeaa!

Me! (this pic is a little old at the moment though) XD