
Pa-pa-ra is the sound of working without rest
Ro-do-ro-do, ran-ran-ra,
Every day keeps on cycling,
vaguely resembling a stray cat.

Is it possible someone could replace me?
Ma-no-ma-no, ran-ran-ra
No one cares about me,
too busy chasing after their money.

Deep in your heart, there is a locked door.
“Don’t be foolish,” I was told,
ignoring the knocking.

To say that it won’t change is giving up
It’s trying to hurry a stopped clock.
But in dreams, you can happily say
“I wish upon a star,”
and show your true self

Working with a tick tock, foolish soldier
Gat-tan gat-tan, ran-ran-ra
What to choose? Which is best?
It’s all a black muck, you realize.

Day will eventually turn into night,
No-ma-no-ma, ran-ran-ra,
But no one ever cares,
too busy greedily chasing after their numbers.

A faint voice comes through
from beyond the door…

To say that “it’s no use,” is standing down,
Sitting in the corner of a room, muttering strangely.
Anyone save me, to anywhere will do!
After all, that prince or whatever, isn’t coming.

“Good evening and good morning to you!”
someone speaks from beyond the door.
“It’ s fine, I locked it,”
“But I can still get my message to you from here, right?”

I didn’t want to hear anything of the sort.
Didn’t want to hear, no, I don’t want to listen!
Hey, hey, please don’t leave!
Stay by me, and tell me what it’s like…

“It’s boring,” I lied,
I only wish that someone will find me.
With a heart so cold,
no one wants to touch it!
No matter what happens,
the hands of the clock continue.

Working inside a casket,
“It isn’t so bad,”
I don’t want to say that sort of thing!
The hands will forever spin,
and I am brought to tears by
the gentle knocking of the door.